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词汇 真挚
例句 All the well-meant, sincere advice is largely wasted on him.他对所有善意、真挚的建议基本都无动于衷。Although he became famous, he remained a simple and well-liked man.他成名后还是和以前一样自然真挚,受人喜爱。Success has never turned her head - she's still the same simple unaffected girl she always was.成功并没有使她冲昏头脑——她仍是从前那个简朴真挚的女孩。These are gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return.这些都是真挚友谊的表示,并不期待任何回报。He spoke these words with apparent sincerity.他说这些话时,真挚之情溢于言表。We took him to our hearts, and he repaid our friendship with sympathy and kindness.我们真挚地喜欢他,而他对我们的友谊报以同情和友善。This collection of letters is affectionate, candid and wickedly funny.这本书信集感情真挚,语言坦率,还透着一种顽皮的滑稽。There was a great deal of soldierly good fellowship.有深厚真挚的战友情谊。Other critics fault Donne for over-use of rhetoric, which may clash with the supposedly sincere piety of the poems.一些批评家指责多恩过分使用华丽的辞藻,这可能与诗歌本来的真挚与虔诚相冲突。He has a friendly and unaffected manner.他的举止友好而真挚He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft.他对这门手艺有着真挚持久的热爱。The family sent a heartfelt message of thanks to everyone who helped.这家人给每一个帮助过他们的人都发了一封真挚的感谢信。




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