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词汇 看电视
例句 Just as I was sitting down to watch TV, the phone rang.我正准备坐下看电视的时候,电话铃响了。I'm not really in the mood for going out. To tell you the truth, I'd rather stay in and watch TV.我没有兴致出去。实话跟你说,我宁愿留在家里看电视Watching too much TV is bad for children.看电视时间过长有损孩子健康We watched television in the hotel lounge.我们在旅馆休息室里看电视I always get/have the munchies when I'm watching TV. = Watching TV always gives me the munchies.看电视时总觉得饿。Spend an evening indoors watching TV.晚上呆在屋里看电视Dad was glued to the TV all day long.爸爸整天一动不动地看电视I like watching sports on TV.我喜欢看电视上的体育节目。His mother won't let him watch television until he has done his homework.他完成作业之后,他妈妈才会让他看电视The show was on television during prime time, when everyone was watching.这节目在黄金时间播映,这时大家都在看电视He listened to her with only half an ear as he watched TV.他在看电视,并没很注意听她讲话。TV is a completely passive activity.看电视完全是一种被动的活动。My girlfriend's parents are nice people, but all they do is watch TV all day. They need to get a life.我女友的父母人都很好,但他们整天光看电视。他们需要过更有意义的生活。I was tired and had no ambition , so I just spent the whole weekend watching TV.我累了,不想动,所以整个周末都在看电视Knitting and watching television are her resorts when she is alone.她单独一人的时候常以编织看电视聊解孤寂。Daytime TV is one of his guilty pleasures.白天看电视是他有负罪感的乐趣之一。The kids are watching TV in the den.孩子们正在活动室里看电视Clarissa was no help - she just sat around and watched TV.克拉丽莎帮不了忙一她就坐着看电视There was nothing to do, so we just watched TV.我们没有什么事可做,所以只有看电视People are much more selective about what they watch on TV these days, and they don't want to be fobbed off with any old rubbish.如今人们看电视挑剔多了,那些乱七八糟的旧东西哄不了他们。He likes to put his feet up and watch TV when he gets home.他回到家里喜欢把双脚搁平舒舒服服看电视All he does is sit in front of the television all day.他就整天坐在电视机前看电视Last night they stayed at home and watched TV.昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视I haven't watched any TV for over a week and I'm having withdrawal symptoms.我都一个多星期没看电视了,就快难受死了。Then we'd go home and cuddle up together to watch TV.然后我们就会回家,依偎在一起看电视He spends all his time watching TV.他把时间都花在看电视上了。I think the children watch rather too much television.我觉得孩子们看电视有点太多了。He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV.他一有空闲时间就窝在家里看电视I'll watch TV after I finish my homework.我做完家庭作业去看电视I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.除了看看新闻和时事,我很少看电视Don't you have something/anything better to do than to watch TV all day?除了整天看电视你就没其他更有意义的事情可做吗?Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television.肖恩在卧室里看电视,听不见。Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.汤普森罚他一个月不能出门,并禁止看电视She sat doing her knitting while she watched television.她坐着一边看电视一边编织。I settled down in front of the television for the evening.我晚上舒舒服服地坐在电视机前看电视Go tidy your room, or you can't watch TV tonight.去整理你的房间,不然今晚不能看电视Their hypothesis is that watching excessive amounts of television reduces a person's ability to concentrate.他们的假设是,看电视过多会降低人的注意力。I mean, look at how many people watch television and how few read books.我是说,你瞧看电视的有多少人,看书的又有几个。Doug's gone from one extreme to the other - it used to be impossible to drag him away from the TV. Now we can't get him to stay home.道格从一个极端走到了另一个极端一过去他看电视怎也不舍得离开,现在却无法要他留在家里。She just sits around watching television all day.她整天闲坐着看电视




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