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词汇 cop
例句 It's tough being married to a cop.嫁给一个警察日子不好过。The veteran cop showed the rookie the ropes.那位经验丰富的警察给新手演示办案的诀窍。I saw five cop cars pull into the driveway and I freaked.看到五辆警车驶入车道,我吓傻了。The film's ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out.这部电影的结局真是狗尾续貂。Bruce Willis plays a lippy cop battling it out with a female partner.布鲁斯·威利斯扮演一个言辞莽撞、与女搭档唇枪舌剑的警察。She's not much cop as an actress.她是个三流女演员。The ending of the book is a disappointing cop-out.本书结尾部分对问题避而不谈,令人失望。Johnson plays this bad-ass cop named O'Riley.约翰逊扮演这位名叫奥里利的倔头倔脑的警察。I started to explain, but the cop told me to flush it.我刚开始说明情况,但那警察叫我住嘴。A traffic cop pulled me over and gave me a speeding ticket.交警示意我靠边停车,给我开了张超速罚单。His last book wasn't much cop.他上一本书不怎么样。Successful management requires a variation of the “good cop, bad cop” routine.成功的管理需要软硬兼施,恩威并重。Some guy on the bus tried to cop a feel! 公共汽车上有个家伙想摸我!A cop pulled him over and gave him a speeding ticket.一名警察让他把车开到路边停下,给他一张超速罚款单。In her latest movie she plays an LA cop.在最近的一部影片中,她扮演一名洛杉矶警察。I was in a loading zone and a cop booted me out.我当时在装货区,一名警察把我撵开。The motorcycle cop rode down the escaping criminal.摩托骑警追上了逃犯。I admire honesty, so it would be a cop-out for me not to be straight myself.我推崇诚实,所以我自己若不诚实就是背叛了。I'm not much cop at sports.我体育不太好。She says she doesn't have the time, but that's just a cop-out. 她说没时间,但那不过是个托词。I don't want to cop out of answering your question.我不愿对你的问题避而不答。Ignoring the problem is a cop-out.忽视问题就是逃避责任。She had been goofy to marry a no-account cop.她嫁了一个小警察,真是愚蠢。The cop keeps close, friendly tabs on the households in his area.这名警察密切关注他管区内各户人家的情况。You'd better not cop out on me!你最好不要躲着我!You want to tell the cop he's wrong? Be my guest.你想要告诉警察说他错了? 随你便吧!When dad gets home, you're going to cop it! 老爸回家时,你等着挨揍吧!Telling him you're ill sounds like a cop-out to me.跟他说你病了在我听起来像是借口。Her onetime friends in the underground considered her a stool pigeon and cop-out.过去地下党的朋友们把她看作坐探和叛徒。I was stopped by an impassioned traffic cop.我被一个火气很大的交警拦住了去路。He played poorly and used his recent illness as a cop-out.他比赛表现不佳,就用最近生病当借口。Don't try to cop out by telling me you're too busy!别想跟我推脱说你太忙。You'll cop a clout if you do that.你要是那么干准保挨揍。They expected me to cop all the blame!他们想要我承担全部责任!Drug addiction is considered a kind of cop-out.吸毒被认为是一种逃避现实的途径。The cop's really a nice old fucker.那警察确实是个好人。If you were at a party and somebody was getting high, you didn't go running to a cop.如果参加聚会的时候有人喝醉了,可别向警察求助。The cop was shot during a routine traffic stop.这名交警在执行例行路检时遭枪击。I managed to cop an invitation.我设法搞到一张请柬。Quick, run - there's a cop coming!快跑——警察来了!




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