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例句 You look really tired. Why don't you go and lie down for a while?看上去很累,为何不去躺一会儿?Pregnancy definitely suited Hannah because she looked blooming.汉娜确实适合怀孕,因为她看上去容光焕发。You flame the wood to give it an antique distressed look.你用火烧烤木头,让它看上去有古旧感。The planes were little silver winks way out to the west.飞机在西边老远的地方,看上去只是些很小的银色光点。She was very ill but seems to have turned the corner now.她曾病得很重,但现在看上去已好转了。The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who actually seemed to need money.银行一点儿也不热心于把钱贷给那些看上去真正需要钱的人。He is not as friendless as he appeared to be.他并不像看上去的那样孤独无助。The telescope makes the craters on the surface of the moon incredibly clear.望远镜使月球表面的陨石坑看上去格外清晰。Cameron seemed unusually downcast.卡梅伦看上去异乎寻常地沮丧。These figures look quite pessimistic.这些数字看上去十分悲观。Wearing homemade clothes was very uncool.穿自家做的衣服看上去显得特别老土。The place looks exciting, but don't be deceived.这地方看上去挺有意思,不过别被假相误导。Everyone looked faintly surprised.所有人看上去都有点吃惊。The floor looks slippery.地板看上去很滑。Her skin was chalk white and dry-looking.她的皮肤看上去苍白发干。She looks young, but she's actually 50.看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了。He seemed to be in a trance.看上去有点神思恍惚。That chair doesn't look very sturdy.那把椅子看上去不太结实。Doreen's leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye.多琳的离职聚会看上去更像是一次董事会议,董事长和董事们都来和他道别。There's more to this than meets the eye.这并不像看上去那么简单。The puppy looked cold and frightened.小狗看上去又冷又怕。She's not so meek and mild as she seems.她并不像看上去那么顺服温和。I don't like plastic shoes. They always seem cheap and nasty.我不喜欢塑料鞋。它们看上去总是又便宜质量又差。You look worried.看上去愁眉苦脸的。Mr Cottle dashed in, looking panic-stricken.科特尔先生冲了进来,看上去惊慌失措的。His appearance strikes a point between two figures. He looks both and dresslookes them.他外表上给人的印象介乎两种身份之间。他看上去兼像两者,穿戴也符合两种身份。The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect.这座建筑看上去破旧失修,无人照管。You look upset – is everything all right?看上去心情不好,一切都还好吗?The picture frame came with scratches, dents and marks that make it look old.画框上有划痕、凹坑和污渍,使它看上去很旧。She looked as calm and serene as she always did.看上去和以往一样平静安详。Her clothes looked cheap and badly made.她的服装看上去很低俗,而且做工粗劣。He bears a passing resemblance to Mr Spock.看上去和斯波克先生有点像。She seemed scarcely aware of him.看上去几乎没有注意到他。Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.利润和红利的增长看上去会在较长时间内维持在平均水平之上。She looked very feminine with her hair like that.那样的发型使她看上去很有女人味儿。He'd been made to look foolish.他被弄得看上去傻乎乎的。That jacket looks nice and warm.那件夹克看上去舒适暖和。It looked as though the storm had an awful lot of force.看上去暴风雨来势汹汹。The interior of the car is all plastic and has a cheap look about it.车子内部全是塑料制品,看上去很粗劣。He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。




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