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词汇 省钱
例句 To save money, we traveled second-class.为了省钱,我们乘坐二等舱旅行。A cheap bed can be a false economy.便宜的床看似省钱,其实可能不然。It's fast and comfortable. It's economical, too.它又快又舒适,而且还省钱The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves.政府已经采取了其他一些省钱的举措。It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money.政府要是把私有化当作省钱之道就不明智了。He began to save money when he finally learned to live within his means. 当他最终懂得量入而出后,他开始省钱了。I made the heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.我提出了当时被认为是旁门左道的建议,认为设计新机器可能更省钱It was another of his misguided attempts to save money.他想省钱,但又一次好心办了坏事。The Internet helps consumers save money by buying products directly from companies and eliminating/bypassing the middleman.互联网通过直接从公司购买商品而绕过中间商的方式帮消费者省钱I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.我提出了当时被认为是旁门左道的建议,说设计新机器可能更省钱People are encouraged to switch energy supplier to save money.通过更换能源供货商来省钱的方法受到鼓励。Electricity costs less than petrol, so powering an electric vehicle is cheaper.电比汽油的成本低,所以电动力车会比较省钱The company has cut costs to the bone in an effort to save money.为了省钱,公司已尽可能地压低成本。First and foremost, they are looking for ways to save money.首要的是他们正在寻找省钱的方法。We're hoping that readers will send in their ideas for saving money.我们希望读者能来信说说他们省钱的点子。Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.通过夏季将温度调至高挡冬季调至低挡的方式来省钱Paperless trading can save time and money.无纸贸易能够省时省钱It would be more economical to switch the machine off at night.晚上把机器关掉会比较省钱This car is economical to run because it doesn't use much fuel.开这辆车省钱,因为它耗油不多。It's not worth building with low-quality materials just to save money.仅仅为了省钱就用劣质材料造房子是不值得的。This new system will save time and money.这个新系统将会省时省钱We stayed in a cheapo hotel to save money.为了省钱我们住在一家廉价旅馆里。Buying cheap shoes is a false economy.买便宜鞋穿并不省钱The school district reorganized the administrative hierarchy, which helped to save money.该学区重新安排了管理组织结构,这样有助于省钱I've started taking a packed lunch to work to save money.为了省钱,我开始带盒饭去上班。Buying store brands certainly works out cheaper.购买商店自有品牌的商品肯定能省钱The Berlin government is banking on the Olympics to save the city money.柏林政府正指望着奥运会为这个城市省钱It's cheaper to go there out of season.淡季去那儿省钱We rent cars by the hour, to save you money.为了给你省钱,我们按小时出租汽车。The airline doesn't make seat assignments, which can be a hassle for travelers, but it saves money.这家航空公司不指定座位,这给旅客造成麻烦,但省钱When companies are trying to save money, loyalty to workers doesn't enter into it.当公司企图省钱时,对工人的忠诚就不重要了。There are savings to be made by bypassing retailers in the chain of distribution.在分销链中绕过零售商可以省钱Buying cheap tools is false economy.购买价格低廉的工具是看似省钱实际费钱的办法。A clean environment cannot be had on the cheap.要有清洁的环境是不能省钱的。We worked out a plan to save money.我们想出一个省钱的计划。The school is currently searching for ways to save money.学校目前正在想办法省钱My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.我母亲为了省钱就用吃剩的东西喂狗。They lived meagerly in order to save money.他们为了省钱过得很节俭。Wielding the axe on the prison plan would be one way of saving money.取消监狱规划会是省钱的一种方法。It is less costly to freight merchandise than to mail it.货运商品比邮寄省钱




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