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词汇 省吃俭用
例句 After years of scrimping and saving, we've finally got enough money to go on a foreign holiday.经过多少年的省吃俭用,我们终于存够了钱出国度假。My parents had to scrimp and save for years to send me to college.为了送我上大学,我父母多年来都是省吃俭用By pinching and scraping for the last five years, she has enough money to pay for her son's tuition.在过去的五年里,她省吃俭用,终于积足了钱可支付她儿子的学费。She had stinted herself in order to feed me.她自己省吃俭用来养活我。I had hardly any money left and was scrimping and saving just to buy the bare necessities.我的钱所剩无几,就省吃俭用,只买一些最必需的生活用品。I've been scrimping and saving all year to pay for our holiday.我一整年都在为我们能够度一次假而省吃俭用Many families must skimp on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.就为了交齐每月的租金,许多家庭不得不省吃俭用He stinted for years in order to save money.他为了攒钱而多年省吃俭用In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people must learn to tighten their belts.在大批人失业其间,很多人不得不束紧腰带,省吃俭用They sweated and saved so their children could go to college.他们辛苦劳作,省吃俭用,就为了孩子们能够上大学。He pinched pennies to live on his small paycheck.省吃俭用,靠低薪水维持生计。He stinted himself to get his son educated.省吃俭用,以便供儿子读书。They scrimped and saved for their big vacation.他们为了度长假而省吃俭用By pinching and scraping, she managed to save enough money to buy a new car.省吃俭用,终于攒下了足够的钱买了辆新车。They pinched and scraped for years to save money.为了攒钱他们省吃俭用了好几年。We have scrimped and scraped for everything we've got.我们省吃俭用挣下全部家当。He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job.找工作期间,他只好放弃奢侈的生活,精打细算、省吃俭用We scrimp and save to send our children to a private school.我们省吃俭用,为的是送孩子去私立学校上学。




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