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词汇 盼望
例句 I half expected the American to pick up the spare machine pistol and mount guard over the operation.我有点盼望那个美国人能拿起闲着的冲锋枪保卫此次行动。We look forward to your early reply.我们盼望早日得到您的答复。I live for the day when I can retire and write my reminiscences.盼望有一天可以退休写回忆录。He was quite explicit on what he expected us to do for him.他对于盼望我们为他做的事直言不讳。The villagers hoped the gods would accept their sacrifice.村民们盼望神灵能接受他们的祭品。I was half expecting her to say 'no'.我有点盼望她会说不。He longed to get home to bed and rest his weary bones.盼望回家躺在床上,休息一下疲惫的身体。Police say they are still hoping for fresh information about the missing girl.警方说他们仍在盼望有失踪女孩的新消息。She wasn't too hot for us coming there.她不太盼望我们到那儿去。While most people look forward to retirement, some cannot bear the thought.大多数人盼望退休,而有些人却受不了这种想法。In the immediate aftermath of the riots, a mood of hope and reconciliation sprang up.暴乱过后紧接着出现了期待未来与盼望和解的气氛。The new world order was expected to come into existence after the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.东欧共产主义垮台和冷战结束后,世界盼望一个新秩序的诞生。I have waited for this opportunity for a long time.盼望这个机会已经很久了。She looks forward to getting out of her business suit and into comfortable clothes at the end of the day.每天快下班时她都盼望能脱下职业装,换上舒适的衣服。Most women who take maternity leave look forward to returning to their jobs.大部分休产假的妇女都盼望回到自己的工作岗位上去。Employees expect flexibility in the work-place.员工们盼望弹性工作安排。The kids can't wait for Christmas.孩子们迫不及待地盼望圣诞节的到来。The children were on tiptoe for vacation to begin.孩子们急切地盼望假期开始。I've had a good vacation and I'm not exactly looking forward to starting work again.假期我过得十分愉快,我并不盼望再开始上班。I look forward to meeting you next week.盼望下星期与你见面。There is no point in wishing for a miracle.光是盼望出现奇迹是无济于事的。We all looked forward to the party in a fever of anticipation.我们都迫不及待地盼望这次聚会。I look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Taylor Champinski.盼望收到你的来信。你真诚的,泰勒‧钱彬斯基。We can only hope the court is merciful.我们只能盼望法院慈悲为怀了。The team looked forward to his return to coaching.球队盼望他重新执教。They were yearning to have a baby.他们盼望能生个孩子。The baron expected his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth.男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。It is my dearest hope that one day she will find the happiness she deserves.我最盼望的是有一天,她能找到应有的幸福。He was reckoning without her mother's interference.盼望不要受到她母亲的干涉。Tracey was already counting the minutes until the weekend.特雷西已经在数着分钟盼望周末了。They hoped desperately that their missing son would come home.他们焦急地盼望失踪的儿子能够回家。We're expecting a spell of sunshine.我们盼望晴朗的天气。The refugees felt a deep longing to return home.难民们急切地盼望能够回家。He looks to authorship as his career.盼望以写作为业。Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria.盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的疫苗。The National Blood Service is anxious for more donors to come forward.国家血液中心急切盼望更多的志愿者来献血。We used to look forward to the weekends because that was when we could spend some time together.我们过去常常盼望周末,因为周末我们就可以有时间在一起了。We're anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安归来。I have done it without expecting a reciprocal benefit.我做这件事并不盼望受到什么报答。She yearned for his presence.盼望著他的出现。




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