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例句 The two met at a drunken party in college.他俩是在大学里的一次狂饮聚会上相识的。He recognized Mr Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking.他认出亨特先生是他在银行业工作那些年里相识的生意上的老熟人。He was doing fine until he met this girl. She really put the skids under him.他跟这姑娘相识以前一直干得很不错,是她使他开始堕落。They met at a party and clicked right away.他们在聚会上相识,立即一见如故。A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth.一个相识的女孩说他块头越来越大,这让他很心烦。Uncle Paul and I hardly know each other.我和保罗叔叔几乎互不相识We go back a long way.我们已经相识很长时间了。I met him when I was on a Mediterranean cruise.我在乘船游地中海时与他相识They'd known each other for years and had a very close relationship.他们相识了多年,关系非常亲密。My acquaintance with him is brief.我与他相识的过程时间不长。They had known each other as children, and were picking up the threads of their friendship.他们儿时就相识,现在又重拾友谊。I wish we could have met under happier circumstances.我真希望我们是在更愉快的情况下相识的。A few people drifted into my acquaintance.有几个人不期而然成了我的相识It was a splendid opportunity for young people to meet.这是一个年轻人相识的绝佳机会。They've known each other for a good many years.他们相识已经很多年了。They were both virgins when they met and married.他们从相识到结婚前都未曾经历男女之事。Corrinne let her mind wander back to the days when they first met.科琳的思绪回到他们初次相识的那个时候。They had known each other for seven years or more, and they hadn't once strayed beyond the bounds of propriety.他们相识大概七年多了,一直守之以礼。We met on a coach tour in Italy.我们是在意大利乘长途客车旅游时相识的。It was the war that had thrown them together.是战争使他们相遇相识On first acquaintance she seemed a little odd.初次相识她显得有些古怪。The two Russians evidently knew each other.那两个俄罗斯人明显彼此相识Liz and I have known one another for years.我和利兹相识好多年了。He met his wife when they appeared in 'Hamlet' on stage together.他和妻子相识于同台演出《哈姆雷特》。My wife and I met through a mutual acquaintance. 我和妻子是通过一个双方都认识的人介绍相识的。They met at a literary luncheon.他们在一次文学交流午宴上相识A fortunate encounter brought us together.一次幸运的邂逅使我们相识They developed an acquaintance over the Internet.他们在因特网上相识We knew each other from the cradle.我们自幼便相识了。He's been very keen on her since they met at my party.自从他们在我的聚会上相识后,他就对她着了迷。Where did you meet Michael?你是在哪儿与迈克尔相识的?I had an interesting thought today when I was talking to Anita. Do you realize that she's never asked us to her house in all the time we've known her?今天我和安妮塔交谈时忽然有个有趣的想法。你有没有留意到我们和她相识了这么长时间,她从未邀请过我们去她家里?I met him on a Thursday, and by the following Tuesday we were great friends.我周四和他相识,到接下来的周二时已经成了非常要好的朋友。She enjoyed the anonymity of life in a large city.她喜欢大城市里那种人们基本上互不相识的生活。You have been very good to me ever since we met.自从相识你就一直对我很好。He met his wife at work.他在工作中与他的妻子相识We'd known each other too long for hard feelings.我们相识很久,彼此之间不会心生嫌隙。My first reaction when I met him was not to trust him.我和他相识时的第一反应是不要相信他。They knew each other from the cradle.他们自幼便相识Some people prefer the anonymity of life in a big city.有些人喜欢大城市中人们互不相识的生活。




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