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词汇 相当简单
例句 The gardens were fairly plain, with few plants.花园相当简单,植物很少。The purpose of the edit is fairly simple – to chop out the boring bits from the original.编辑的目的相当简单,就是删除原作中无聊的部分。The whole structure of the film was rather simplistic.这部影片的整个结构相当简单Once upon a time, asking a woman if she has a job was quite a straightforward question.从前,问一位女性是否有工作是个相当简单直接的问题。The solution seems simple enough. 解决措施看上去相当简单The students found the exercises rather babyish.学生们发现这些练习相当简单The plan seemed simple enough, but the CIA managed to bungle the operation.那计划似乎相当简单,可中央情报局竟把行动搞糟了。Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite simple.有些智力游戏看上去很难,但一旦知道解答方法实际上相当简单It's a fairly straightforward operation.这是个相当简单的手术。




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