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词汇 相媲美
例句 A new dictionary must be very good if it is to compete with the many already in the market.一本新词典必须质量优等才能与市场上现有的许多词典相媲美They say they are producing wine that is the equal of the best wines in the world. 他们说他们正在酿造的酒可以与世界上最好的那些酒相媲美Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights.德拉蒙德博士觉得自己仿佛被带入了一个可与《天方夜谭》相媲美的世界。I think these books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens.我认为这些书能和狄更斯的作品相媲美The college's facilities rival those of Harvard or Yale.本学院的设施堪与哈佛或耶鲁相媲美The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.我们要让自己的圣诞装饰品能和地铁购物中心的相媲美No one could rival his ad-libbed verbal acrobatics.在即兴表达的技巧上没人能与他相媲美The victory equalled Southend's best in history.这次胜利可与绍森德队史上最佳比赛相媲美Julia has a nice house, but it's nothing to Leila's.朱莉娅有栋不错的房子,但不能与利拉的房子相媲美I've never heard anyone who could match the sublimity of her playing.她的演奏精彩绝伦,我从未听过能与之相媲美的。There's never been a jet engine to outclass the Rolls Royce Avon.还没有一种喷气发动机能与劳斯莱斯埃文发动机相媲美The architecture here is equal to any in the world.这里的建筑堪与世界上任何同类建筑相媲美The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.现在英国葡萄酒的质量可以和德国的相媲美




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