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词汇 盖住
例句 She used dried leaves and twigs to cover up the hole.她用干树叶和小树枝盖住洞口。Frank's fair hair fell forward into his eyes in a very attractive way.弗兰克的金发向前披下来,漂亮地盖住了他的眼睛。He tried to get his opinion across but he kept being talked down.他试图说明自己的观点,但总是被别人的声音盖住He sat sipping his tea with a rug over his knees.他用毛毯盖住双膝坐着,小口品着茶。Sand has disguised all entrances to the mine.泥沙盖住了那个矿的所有入口。He drew the bedcovers over her.他扯过床罩把她盖住He tries to hide his bald patch by brushing his hair across it.他试图梳过来一些头发盖住秃顶的地方。A blanket of snow had buried the first few flowers of spring.厚厚的一层雪盖住了寥寥几朵早春的花。The brim of his hat flapped over one eye.他的帽边下垂,盖住一只眼睛。He hitched his trousers up over his potbelly.他将裤子向上提,盖住了自己的啤酒肚。The name of the firm had been partially painted out.公司的名字有一部分被油漆盖住了。The original brickwork has been plastered over.原来的砖面被灰泥盖住了。Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.把植物靠墙摆放,用泥煤盖住根部。Low clouds hid the top of the mountain.云很低,盖住了山峰。He wore a hat to cover his balding head.他戴了顶帽子盖住他的秃头The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow.泥巴被积雪盖住了。We had to shout above the noise of the engines.我们不得不大声喊,以盖住发动机的噪音。Why don't we hide that stain on the carpet with a scatter rug?为什么我们不用一张装饰小地毯盖住地毯上的污点?I pulled the sheet up over my nose.我把被单拉上来盖住鼻子。Her hat had slipped over one eye.她的一只眼睛被滑下的帽子盖住了。The gardener covered the soil with mulch.园艺工人用覆盖物把土壤盖住I threw a sheet over the sofa.我用被单盖住沙发。Their faces were covered by a fan of her long blonde hair.他们的脸都被她散开的金色长发盖住了。One boy was slouched down in his chair, with a baseball cap almost covering his eyes.一个男孩垂着头坐在椅子上,一顶棒球帽几乎盖住了他的眼睛。Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。I keep my computer printer under a protective plastic cover.我用塑料保护罩盖住电脑打印机。The shirt is long enough to cover your buttocks.衬衫长得把屁股都盖住了。My shoes were buried beneath a pile of clothes.我的鞋被一堆衣服盖住了。The threadbare carpet muffled any noise.破旧的地毯盖住了所有的声音。They boarded over all the old fireplaces.他们用木板盖住所有的旧壁炉。Dark clouds blanketed the summit of the downs.乌云盖住了丘陵的顶部。Topping the soil with mulch will help it to retain moisture.用覆盖物盖住土壤将有助于保留水分。The make-up didn't cover her bruises as well as she'd hoped.化妆并没有如她所愿把她的瘀伤盖住They papered over the cracks in the wall.他们用墙纸盖住墙缝。He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他一下子把尖顶帽从胳膊下面掏出来戴在头上,然后把帽檐拉低盖住眼睛。Cover jars without fastening them down.把罐子盖住,但不要把盖子拧紧。They painted over the graffiti.他们用漆盖住了涂鸦。He pulled the cap halfway over his ears.他压低帽子,盖住一半耳朵。A rug covered the hole in the carpet.一块小毯子盖住了地毯上的破洞。Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid.用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。




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