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词汇 盒子
例句 There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹。She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper.她抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。I tucked the box away in a drawer.我把盒子放进抽屉里。That box is no good. It's nothing like big enough.那个盒子一点也不好。它根本不够大。I lifted the box and ran my fingers lovingly over the top.我拎起盒子,爱惜地抚摩着盒盖。He dumped the boxes down in the kitchen.他把盒子扔在厨房里。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or whatnot.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等诸如此类的东西。You've got quite a long reach - can you get that box down from the top shelf for me?你胳膊长——能替我从最高的架子上把那个盒子拿下来吗?These boxes are fairly rigid.这些盒子相当坚硬。We heard a rattle from inside the box.我们听到盒子里发出了咯咯声。What's that box thing on the table?桌上那盒子样的东西是什么?He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指划过盒子的内壁。We put a notice on the side of the box.我们在盒子的侧面贴了一则告示。We stored the boxes up in the attic.我们把盒子都存放在阁楼里。She stowed the shoes away in a box under the bed.她把鞋子装好放在床底下的一个盒子里。There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box.没有如何将背带系在盒子上的说明。They threw the box over the side of the ship into the sea.他们把那盒子从船边扔入大海。She lost her temper and kicked over the box.她发起脾气,踢翻了盒子Someone had squashed all the ribbons together in one box.有人把所有丝带都塞进了一个盒子里。Paint the box all over with varnish.用清漆把整个盒子刷一下。Put your bags, cases and whatnot in the back of the car.把你的袋子、盒子等等放到汽车后面。There's a picture on the front of the box. 盒子正面有张图片。I'll eat chocolates one after the other until the box is finished.我会一块接一块地吃巧克力,直到盒子空了为止。The lid was so tight that I couldn't open the box.盖太紧了,我打不开盒子Don't throw away these boxes - I might want to use them later.不要扔掉这些盒子—说不定我以后用得着。In a box in the closet, I found love letters from one of his old flames.在壁橱的一个盒子里,我发现了他一个旧情人写给他的情书。The papers were stashed away in a box.文件被藏在了盒子里。I lined the box with paper.我用纸给盒子做了内衬。He dismembered the box.他割碎了盒子She wrapped a ribbon around the box and tied a bow. 她把丝带系在盒子上,然后打了个蝴蝶结。The box suddenly tumbled off the top of the wardrobe.那只盒子突然从衣橱顶上掉下。These boxes are much of a size.这些盒子大小差不多。These old boxes have got to go. = These old boxes have to go. 这些旧盒子得扔掉了。She took the necklace out of the box and closed the lid.她从盒子里取出项链,然后盖上盖子。He frugally saved various bits of the machine in carefully marked boxes.他厉行节约地把这台机器的各种零件放进仔细标记的盒子里收好。What are the dimensions of the box?这个盒子的尺寸是多少? On the table sat a box.桌上有个盒子She kept the letters in an old box.她把信件放在一个旧盒子里。Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.别压坏这个盒子;里面有花。Insert the tab into this slot to close the box.要想关上盒子,可把凸舌插进孔内。




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