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词汇 皱纹
例句 Deep furrows marked the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角有深深的皱纹He has a large, generous face with deep lines.他宽大的脸盘上布满了深深的皱纹A deep furrow appeared between his brows.他眉间出现了一道深深的皱纹Every line on his face tells a story. It's so inspiring for an artist.他脸上的每道皱纹都包含着一个故事,对画家来说,那是多么有启发性。His forehead furrows when he frowns.他皱眉时前额出现了皱纹The old man's face was seamed and wrinkled.老人的脸上布满了皱纹Her face was lined and full of woe.她满脸皱纹,一副悲伤的表情。Even the carefully smoothed lines of her face did not hide the tensity beneath.即使细心搽平了脸部皱纹,也掩饰不了她内心的紧张。He had deep wrinkles in his forehead.他的额头上起了深深的皱纹Her skin was still without a wrinkle.她的皮肤仍旧没有一丝皱纹When Crevecoeur smiled, the creases in his face deepened.克雷夫科尔一笑,脸上的皱纹就加深了。He admits he was airbrushed, slimmed and dewrinkled for the cover shot.他承认他的封面照片做过变瘦和去皱纹的处理。Her face was etched with deep lines.她的脸上刻下了深深的皱纹A worried frown creased her forehead.她担心地皱起眉头,额上现出了皱纹The harsh light revealed every crevice and wrinkle in his face.他脸上每条深浅不一的皱纹在强光下都清晰可见。When he smiles, you can see the creases around his mouth and his eyes.他微笑的时候,你能看到他嘴巴和眼睛周围的皱纹The photo had been retouched to remove the wrinkles around his eyes.这张照片经过了处理,除去了他眼睛周围的皱纹His face creased with worry.他的脸因担心而起了皱纹Every line etched on her face told a story of personal anguish.她脸上的每条皱纹都讲述了一次痛苦的经历。The bright lights tend to accentuate wrinkles.强光会使皱纹更明显。The lines on her forehead had deepened.她额上的皱纹更深了。He stared at the visitors beneath a furrowed brow.他满额皱纹下的一双眼睛盯视着来客。Age had deepened the lines in his face.岁月加深了他脸上的皱纹She had a face-lift to smooth away her wrinkles.她做了脸部整容,去除了皱纹His eyes crinkled up at the corners as he smiled.他笑的时候眼角起了皱纹His brow has acquired its first wrinkle.他的额头已出现第一条皱纹I see they've airbrushed out your wrinkles.我看到他们把你的皱纹修掉了。Her face looked old and wrinkled in the morning light.晨光下,她看上去很苍老,满脸皱纹His face was lined with worry.忧虑使他脸上布满了皱纹His eyes were lost in a maze of wrinkles.他的双眼深陷在纵横密布的皱纹之中。The deep lines on his forehead showed that he was a worried man.他前额上深深的皱纹说明他是一个操心的人。His face was heavily lined.他的脸上布满了皱纹She had lots of deep creases at the corners of her eyes.她的眼角有许多深深的皱纹His face is branded with the lines of pressure and exhaustion.他的脸上刻划着心力交瘁留下的条条皱纹Lines had bitten deeply on her face.她脸上已刻下深深的皱纹He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.他是个脸部轮廓分明、皱纹明显的矮个子男人。His face was covered with wrinkles.他满脸皱纹It dry-cleans beautifully and wrinkles hang out.它干洗起来很漂亮,皱纹挂一挂就去掉了。Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead.他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹She was very old and her face was covered with lines.她已非常年迈,脸上布满了皱纹




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