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词汇 的技巧
例句 Paul played the sonata with great finesse.保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。The writer's novelistic skill gives the book its remarkable bite.作者写小说的技巧给这部书以很强的感染力。She has a rather limited repertoire.她掌握的技巧相当有限。Social interaction is increasingly becoming a lost art.人们正日渐丧失社会交往的技巧Gemma spent hours trying to perfect her technique.吉玛花了好几个小时的时间来完善她的技巧He has mastered the art of driving.他已经掌握了开车的技巧The job of a choreologist entails teaching dancers the technique and performance of dance movements.舞谱学家的工作包括教舞蹈演员舞蹈动作的技巧和演绎。It was a technique which required split-second timing.那是一种时间上要把握得分秒不差的技巧We offer tips on how to supersize your business.我们提供如何使贵公司业务大大增加的技巧Once you get the knack of riding a bicycle , you'll never lose it.你一旦掌握骑自行车的技巧,就再也不会忘掉。The rookie player displayed great skill.这名新队员展现出很高的技巧The three sisters were all well-versed in the mechanism of novel writing.三姊妹都熟谙写小说的技巧The dancer's technique is strong.这个舞蹈演员的技巧很精湛。Reading and writing will become obsolete skills.阅读和书写将成为陈旧的技巧She taught herself the techniques of narrative and dialogue.她自学了叙事和对话的技巧Whether he was a great artist or not, Dali was a superb technician.无论达利是不是一名伟大的艺术家,他都是一名卓越的技巧大师。The trick about winning elections is not to peak too early in the campaign.在竞选中获胜的技巧是不要在竞选活动中过早达到最佳状态。The athlete's third, and winning, jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.这个运动员的第三次试跳,也是获胜的那一跳,充分展示了他的技巧和体能。Other musicians were amazed by Parker's effortless improvisational skill.帕克轻松即兴演奏的技巧令其他音乐家惊叹。Young men were tutored in the art of handling horses.年轻男子都要学驭马的技巧Her ice-skating routine had the highest level of technical difficulty. = Her routine was very technical.她的那套滑冰动作的技巧难度是最高的。She hoped to perfect her technique.她希望完善自己的技巧To forge a blade takes great skill.锻制刀片需要高超的技巧Her latest work displays tremendous skill and creativity.她最新的作品展示了过人的技巧和创造力。It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master.它有触笔屏幕键盘,需要使用者掌握很高的技巧The Australians played with great skill and determination.澳大利亚队表现出纯熟的技巧和争胜的决心。I learned something about writing. The secret is to say less than you need.我学过一点写作方面的技巧,秘诀就是欲说还休。He learned to scale a rock face from his father.他从他父亲那儿学得攀登崖面的技巧We lacked that little bit of skill in the final third, but our work rate and commitment were tremendous.在最后第三节的比赛中我们的技巧有所欠缺,但是总体工作率和拼搏精神是非常出色的。There are several basic techniques to learn, but they are uncomplicated enough to be mastered in one session.有几个基本的技巧要学习,但是并不难,一节课就能掌握。To acquire that level of skill requires years of training and an unfailing belief in yourself.要想获得那种程度的技巧需要多年的培训和一贯的自信。This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.这本实用的旅行指南教给你放松的方法、处理问题的技巧以及如何安排时间。My father taught me the skills in penmanship.我父亲教我书法的技巧His coaching has added another dimension to my game.他的指导使我的技巧增加了另一层内容。We are supremely confident because we have the right mixture of skill and experience.我们有必备的技巧和经验,因此自信满满。Her technique has changed and improved greatly over the past few years.在过去的几年里,她的技巧有了很大改进。The touch of the master hand was conspicuously absent from the picture.很明显,这幅画缺乏娴熟的技巧Practice gives a wonderful facility.娴熟的技巧来自实践。He handled a difficult situation with great skill and address.他曾以高超的技巧和圆通应对困境。It takes great skill, cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete.那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。




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