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词汇 的声音
例句 We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship.我们能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?我怎么觉得你的声音里透出一丝嫉妒呢?The pitch of the engine suddenly changed from a low to a high squeal.发动机的声音突然由低沉变得又尖又高。The sound of guns being fired fills me with terror.开枪的声音让我内心充满恐惧。They've never monkeyed with their trademark sound.他们从没有乱用他们标志性的声音The neighbours complained about his loud music.邻居们抱怨他放音乐的声音太大。He heard a car engine racing behind him.他听到身后汽车引擎高速运转的声音Her voice drives me up a wall. 的声音让我抓狂。Rose's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar's.罗斯压低了声音,然后被达格玛低沉的声音打断了。The old man's voice was measurably weaker than the last time they'd talked.老人的声音比起上次他们谈话时微弱多了。She listened with concern to the sound of him throwing up.她关切地听着他呕吐的声音The vibrant tones of Richard Burton are instantly recognizable.理查德·伯顿洪亮的声音一听就能辨识出来。There was a note of hysteria in her voice.的声音有些歇斯底里。He drove along with his windows open and the radio blaring.他驱车驶过,开着的车窗传出收音机的声音Graham looked up sharply, startled by a noise behind him.格雷厄姆被身后的声音吓了一跳,猛然抬头看了看。The only sound was the lapping of the waves.只能听到波浪轻轻拍击的声音The engine note changed as the aircraft landed, taxied and halted.发动机的声音随着飞机着陆、滑行和停下一直在变化。He spoke in a quiet melodious voice.他说话的声音轻柔悦耳。The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.批评的声音不会阻止人们涌到影院观看这部电影。There was a tone of authority in her voice.的声音里透着威严。The sound of the guitar was distorted.吉他的声音跑调了。We could hear the flush of a toilet somewhere in the building.我们能听到楼里某处冲洗马桶的声音We could hear wasps droning in the garden.我们能听到花园里黄蜂嗡嗡飞的声音There was a tone of mockery in his voice.的声音里带着嘲弄。I hear a loud grating sound whenever I step on the brake.每次踩到刹车我都会听到刺耳的声音Can you hear all right or do you want me to turn the television up?你听得清楚吗,要不要我把电视机的声音调大些?The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.低音电吉他开始砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。I could hear the slap of the waves against the side of the boat.我能听到浪花击打船舷的声音His voice was unsteady and only just audible.的声音发颤,小得刚刚能听见。His secretary's voice came over the intercom, telling him that he had a visitor.内部通话系统中传来他秘书的声音,告知他来了一位访客。His voice floated to the back of the room.的声音飘至房间的后面。As the hikers walked down the path by the house, she could hear the squelch of their boots in the mud.徒步旅行者们从房子旁的小径走过时,她能听见他们的靴子吧唧吧唧踩在泥里的声音My car has been making a funny noise lately.我的车最近总是发出一种奇怪的声音She braked suddenly, her tyres squealing in protest.她突然急刹车,轮胎发出刺耳的声音It was reassuring to hear John's familiar voice.听到约翰熟悉的声音令人放心。The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音Don's voice from outside broke my concentration.外面传来唐的声音,打断了我的思路。There was a note of desperation in his voice.的声音里透出破釜沉舟的决心。I heard a buzz and then saw the plane in the distance.我听见嗡嗡的声音,接着看见了远处的飞机。His voice was weak and croaky.的声音虚弱而嘶哑。




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