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词汇 的叶子
例句 Pollution has stripped the trees of their foliage.污染剥光了这些树的叶子Last night's high wind has ripped all the leaves away from the trees.夜来一场大风刮掉了树上所有的叶子The plant is distinguishable by its oddly shaped leaves.这种植物因其奇形怪状的叶子极易辨别。The leaves of the tree are arranged in pairs.这种树的叶子是成对生长的。You can throw away the tough outer leaves of the cabbage.你可以把卷心菜外面老的叶子扔掉。Pick over the watercress and discard damaged leaves.把豆瓣菜挑一挑,把坏的叶子扔掉。The plant's leaves had turned toward the window.植物的叶子都已经转向了窗户。If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves, do not use it for propagation.如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。The trees are in leaf early this year.今年树木的叶子长得早。Evergreen plants with interesting leaves, berries or flowers add variety to a window box throughout the year.常绿植物长着有趣的叶子、果实或花朵,一年四季都给窗台花盆添几分情趣。This is a piece of produced leave.这是片畸形伸长的叶子The leaves etched into the vase have a gold outline.蚀刻在花瓶上的叶子被镶上了金边。I've seen locusts defoliate oak trees.我看到过蝗虫吃光橡树的叶子The leaves trembled in the trees.树上的叶子瑟瑟抖动。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上散落着腐烂的叶子Insects are defoliating the trees.昆虫正逐渐噬光树上的叶子Trim away the lower leaves.修剪掉下面的叶子The plant has feathery leaves.这种植物长着羽毛状的叶子Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。Direct sunlight will scorch the plant's leaves.直射的阳光会使这种植物的叶子枯萎。The heat shriveled up the plant's leaves.酷热使植物的叶子打蔫了。The leaves of the plant are poisonous. 那种植物的叶子有毒。The passing cars milled the leaves that fell on the road.驶过的汽车把落在路上的叶子碾得粉碎。The tree has deep green leaves.这棵树长着深绿色的叶子The gardener nipped the leaves off the bush with his fingers.园丁用手指掐掉灌木上的叶子The Japanese maple leaf bears a striking resemblance to a marijuana leaf.日本的枫叶和大麻的叶子有惊人的相似之处。Mark hadn't realized that the leaves of the rhubarb plant were inedible.马克没有意识到大黄的叶子是不能食用的。The leaves on the vase are outlined in gold.花瓶上的叶子镶上了金边。Remove rusty leaves and spray the plants with fungicide.除去患锈病的叶子,再给植株喷洒杀真菌剂。The plant has furry leaves.这种植物的叶子毛茸茸的。The dark foliage really shows the flowers off to best advantage.暗色的叶子最有效地衬托出花的美丽。The leaves of the plant are very stiff.这种植物的叶子很坚韧。Suspended between each growing blade is a thread of gossamer.每片正在生长的叶子之间都悬挂着一条蛛丝。Ferns and palms have fronds.蕨类植物和棕榈树都长有窄长的叶子Poison ivy is a noxious plant; avoid touching its leaves.野葛是有毒植物;不要碰它的叶子The plant's leaves are almost leathery in texture.这种植物的叶子摸起来几乎和皮革一样。The leaves of this plant prick if you touch them.这植物的叶子碰上去会刺人。This plant has beautifully variegated leaves.这种植物的叶子色彩斑斓,非常漂亮。The plant has fuzzy leaves.这种植物长有毛茸茸的叶子The plant has serrated and hairy leaves.这棵植物长着锯齿状的毛茸茸的叶子




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