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词汇 的事物
例句 Isn't he just the most beautiful thing you ever saw?他难道不是你见过的最美的事物么?The big cities are full of allurements on which to spend money.大城市充满形形色色诱人花钱的事物Television programming has sunk to the lowest common denominator.电视节目已经沦为迎合公众口味的事物To many younger people, the monarchy had become an irrelevance.对许多较年轻的人来说,君主政体已成为毫不相干的事物Quite often the very act of measuring something changes what you are trying to measure.常常正是衡量事物的行为改变了你所要衡量的事物He always stands for what is right.他对正确的事物总是支持的。It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally.在她看来很明显的是,任何美妙的事物都不可能是偶然产生的。I overreact to anything sad.我一碰上悲伤的事物就难以控制情绪。Attempts to relate studies on animals to those on humans are not really comparing like with like.试图将对动物的研究和对人类的研究联系起来并不是对两种相似的事物进行比较。Do what you can and don't worry about uncertainties.尽力做你所能做的事情,不要为难以预料的事物而烦恼。He sometimes let loose great invectives against the things he hated.有时他对自己所痛恨的事物破口大骂。Every definition must reciprocate with the thing defined.每条定义必须切合所对之下定义的事物Today's commonplaces are often yesterday's dreamboats.今天司空见惯的东西常常是昨日梦想中的事物Anything new or peculiar puts us upon the lookout to detect a possible absurdity.任何新奇的事物一出现,我们总想要找找有没有不合情理之处。Her friendship is the one constant in his life.她的友谊是他生命中一个永恒的事物Artists are inspired by beauty.艺术家从美的事物中获取灵感。This is not to say whatever is is right.这并不是说凡是存在的事物就都是对的。He keeps the children at a safe remove from the dangers of the city.他使孩子们与城市各种有危险的事物保持一段安全距离。Classical music is one of his biggest turn-ons.古典音乐是最能令他兴奋的事物之一。Anything socially practical is good per se.任何具有社会实用性的事物本身就是好东西。He instinctively distrusted fads and novelties.他从直觉上便不相信流行和新奇的事物You won't believe what an inscrutability it is.你不会相信这是个多么不可思议的事物He puts a political interpretation on anything social.他对任何社会性的事物都从政治上加以阐释。There are bound to be teething problems with something so new.如此新鲜的事物刚开始必然会有些问题。Everything over thirty years old is lumped into one big category: ancient history.所有三十年以前的事物都被归入一大类:古代史。They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.他们喜欢一切能打破日常沉闷生活的事物




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