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词汇 conversant
例句 They are fully conversant with mental-health legislation.他们通晓精神卫生立法。Kim was conversant in Russian.金会说一点点俄语。She's conversant in several languages.她能说好几种外语。We are conversant with the latest techniques.我们对最新的技术了如指掌。I'm not conversant with the rules of chess.我不熟悉国际象棋的规则。Those in business are not, on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles.总体上来看,经商者不了解基本的科学原理。He is conversant with all the rules.他对全部规则都很熟悉。They're conversant with the issues.他们对这些问题都非常了解。Staff members are conversant with the issues.职工对这些问题很有经验。I'm not particularly conversant with the document.对于这个文件我所知甚少。I am not particularly conversant with the new government document.对于这个新的政府文件,我不甚了了。




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