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Don't be such a hypochondriac - it's only a cold!别这样疑神疑鬼—你不过是得了感冒!The mysterious phone calls were beginning to make him feel paranoid.神秘的电话开始令他疑神疑鬼起来。The villagers were suspicious of anything new.那些乡下人对任何新事物都疑神疑鬼的。Of course I'm telling the truth - you have such a suspicious mind!我当然是在说实话——你太疑神疑鬼了!I wasn't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife.我不会表现得像个疑神疑鬼的妻子一样自贬身价。He started feeling paranoid and was convinced his boss was going to fire him.他开始疑神疑鬼,确信老板要解雇他。He has always been paranoid about his personal security.对自己的人身安全他总是疑神疑鬼。You can lose your perspective. You know, get paranoid? Well, that's something I really try and avoid.你会失去自己的判断力。知道吗,就是变得疑神疑鬼?这正是我努力想避免的。 |