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词汇 电话
例句 When Connie realized that her labor was starting, she quickly phoned both her husband and doctor.康妮意识到自己快要分娩的时候,马上给丈夫和医生打了电话Julie! It's your sister on the phone again.朱莉!你姐姐又来电话了。Wait there a minute. I just have to make a phone call.请在那儿稍等,我得马上打个电话He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls.那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。All of our lines are currently busy. Please hold.我们所有的电话都占线,请不要挂机。Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office.员工无论如何不能因为私事使用办公室电话She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down.她又惊又气地听着电话,然后啪地挂断了。You sounded po-faced on the telephone.电话里听起来你很是一本正经。Call collect if you need to.必要的话打对方付费电话He phoned me to say he was on his way.他给我来电话说他正在路上。There was a bug on the phone.电话装有窃听器。I later learned that they had never called.后来我才知道他们从未打过电话Your wife has rung you twice since lunch time.午饭后你太太已来过两次电话了。It's bad when phones garble conversations.电话让对话含混不清,这样很糟糕。He was inundated with telephone calls.电话多得应接不暇。The next morning I telephoned him and gave him his notice.第二天早晨我给他打了电话,通知他已被解雇。She swallowed her pride and called him.她放下自尊给他打了电话The phones are getting smaller and smaller.电话越变越小。If the phone rings say you'll call back after dinner.如果有电话打来,就说你吃完饭再回电话He called me on the weekend.他周末给我打了电话We never discuss private matters over the phone.我们从不在电话里谈论私事。He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。I'll buzz you in the afternoon.我下午给你去电话She got to the phone just before the answering machine picked up.她刚好赶在答录机录音之前拿起了电话I called her from a public phone booth near the bar.我在酒吧旁的公共电话亭给她打了电话Are the Middletons on the phone at their cottage, do you know?米德尔顿家的乡间别墅里装没装电话,你知道吗?I've had hundreds of calls from other victims.我已接到其他受害者打来的数百个电话He suspected that his phone calls were being monitored.他怀疑他的电话被人监听。I guess our telephone has been tapped.我猜想我们的电话被窃听了。They keep bringing out smaller phones.他们不断推出体积更小的电话We phoned round her family and friends.我们给她的家人和朋友打过电话Mitchell was furious and hung up on him.米切尔怒不可遏,挂断了他的电话A friend of mine was rung up by the press.我的一个朋友接到了记者的电话It was thoughtless not to call and say you'd be late.要迟到都不打个电话,你太欠考虑了。He was extremely diplomatic over the phone.他在电话里极其圆滑老练。Give me a ring tomorrow and we'll arrange something for this weekend.明天给我打个电话,我们来给这个周末安排些活动。The exact number of protest calls has not been revealed.抗议电话的确切数量并未透露。Once they realised their mistake the phone was reconnected again.他们一意识到他们的错误,电话就重新接通了。When I finally got him on the blower he said he couldn't come.我终于打通了他的电话,他说他不能来了。By the time firefighters were called, the house was well ablaze.消防队员接到火警电话时,房子已是一片火海。




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