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词汇 电视辩论
例句 She was asked to take part in a TV debate on drugs.她被邀请去参加一个关于毒品问题的电视辩论会。The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.候选人在电视辩论中当面交锋。He received a challenge to a TV debate.他接到电视辩论的挑战。He issued a challenge to all his rival candidates to take part with him in a televised debate.他向所有的竞选对手发出挑战,要他们和他进行电视辩论He took a bruising in the televised debate.他在电视辩论中被挫败。Another round of TV debates will be held in the run-up to the referendum.在举行全民投票之前将有另一轮电视辩论会。His opponent several times caught him flat-footed during the televised debate.电视辩论中,他的对手数次让他措手不及。He challenged the president to a series of TV debates. Just the two of them, with no moderator.他强烈要求与总统进行一系列电视辩论。就他们俩,没有主持人。The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.候选人在电视辩论中面对面交锋。When it comes to TV debates, Senator Murphy's more than a match for any of his rivals.谈到电视辩论,参议员墨菲比他的任何一个对手都要强得多。The two candidates will face off in a televised debate on Friday.两位候选人将在周五的电视辩论上正面交锋。All the candidates were put through their paces during the television debate.电视辩论会上,所有候选人都使出了看家本领。There will be a televised debate between those in favour of military action and those who are against.赞成与反对军事行动的双方将举行一次电视辩论会。




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