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词汇 甲板
例句 All hands on deck!全体船员在甲板集合!Martin was struggling with the sails on the open deck.马丁在无遮盖的甲板上费力地扯着船帆。Commandos abseiled from five helicopters to the deck of the ship.突击队从五架直升机上绕绳下降到轮船甲板上。Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.的确有人设法抓住铁梯爬上了顶层甲板,脱离了危险。Passengers swarmed the deck.甲板上挤满了旅客。His company installs awnings, decking, and patio heaters.他的公司负责安装遮阳篷、花园甲板和露台取暖器。Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin.舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。All deck fittings, windows, hatches and doors had been fastened.所有的甲板配件、窗、舱口盖板和门都被固定住了。The lower deck is afloat.下层甲板浸满了水。The ship leaned further to starboard and soon the decks were awash.船向右舷倾斜得更厉害,甲板很快被水漫过了。As the wind increased, the deck of the ship began to heave beneath his feet.随着风力增大,轮船甲板开始在他脚下颠簸起来。I waved farewell to my friends from the deck of the ship.我站在轮船甲板上向朋友们挥手告别。This boat has a good deck layout making everything easy to operate.这艘船的甲板布局合理,使得所有操控都很方便。A length of rope was tossed up from the lifeboat and caught by one of the men on deck.从救生艇朝上抛出一截绳子,甲板上的一个人抓住了。A freak wave had buckled the deck.反常的波浪把甲板打弯了。The crew of the trawler were gathered below decks.托网渔船上的船员被聚集到甲板下。Water washed over the deck of the ship.水从船的甲板上流过。He was lowered on to the heaving deck.他被放到上下起伏的甲板上。I had difficulty keeping my balance on the heaving deck.在颠簸的甲板上,我发现很难保持平衡。Feet were pounding on the deck overhead.头顶甲板上传来沉重的脚步声。A number of passengers had come on deck.一些乘客已经上了甲板Girls in bathing suits were draped all over the decks.甲板上到处躺着舒展着四肢的泳装姑娘。There is a tangle of ropes on the deck.甲板上有一团乱绳。A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from the decks.一艘长长的法国客船姿态庄严地迅速开过,甲板上一张张欧洲人的、亚洲人的脸好奇地向外张望着。The plane bammed against the deck of the carrier.飞机嘭的一声撞在航空母舰甲板上。The captain ordered the men below. 船长命令船员到底层甲板去。The upper, main, middle, and lower decks of a ship are somewhat like the stories of a house.船的上甲板,主甲板,中甲板和下甲板有点像房子的楼层。I joined the others on deck.我来到了甲板上,走到其他人中间。Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck.他把安全带夹在甲板的一个固定装置上。An observation deck lets you take in the passing scenery.在观光甲板上能看到沿途的风景。Below decks, the lights were dim.甲板下面灯光昏暗。As the battleship sailed by/past, everyone on deck waved.战舰驶过时,甲板上所有的人都挥手致意。We drove onto the lower deck of the ferry.我们把车开到了渡轮的下层甲板上。He went up the ladder onto the deck.他沿着梯子上了甲板I was blown off the deck by the concussion of the torpedoes.鱼雷的剧烈震动把我从甲板上甩下来。The ship's decks will have to be strengthened to carry the extra weight.船上的甲板必须加固,使它可以承受更多的重量。A man waved down at me from the deck.一个人从甲板上向下朝我挥手。 He promenaded back and forth on the ship's deck.他在船的甲板上来回散步。I stood up and almost fell, reeling against the deck rail.我站了起来,几乎跌倒,身体摇晃着靠在甲板的围栏上。




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