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词汇 由于缺乏
例句 He was criticized for his lack of enterprise in dealing with the crisis.在处理危机的过程中,他由于缺乏进取心而受到了批评。Without digging equipment and manpower many putrefying corpses remained on the streets.由于缺乏挖掘设备和人手,很多开始腐败的尸体还留在大街上。I've lost those skills through lack of practice.由于缺乏练习,我的那些技能已经荒疏。Without enough funding, public services are in a pretty bad way right now.由于缺乏足够的资金,公共设施的状况现在很是糟糕。Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.很多新公司由于缺乏足够的资金而陷入困境。These were problems caused by a lack of parental control.这些问题是由于缺乏父母控制所造成的。Lacking the generous subsidies that European orchestras receive, modern American groups are under increasing pressure to play popular pieces.由于缺乏像欧洲的管弦乐团所得到的慷慨资助,现代的美国管弦乐团体正面临越来越大的压力,不得不演奏流行曲目。If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果只是在晚上头疼,那常常是由于缺乏新鲜空气和氧气的缘故。People are dying for want of medical treatment. 人们由于缺乏治疗而面临死亡。The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs.由于缺乏保育服务,单身母亲很难找到工作。The music is small and bitty because there's no strong feeling.由于缺乏强烈的感情,音乐显得琐碎无力。Refugees are dying for want of proper health care.难民由于缺乏适当的卫生保健而在死亡线上挣扎。The campaign was widely criticised for a lack of coherence.这次竞选运动由于缺乏连贯性而广受批评。Peace talks have been encumbered by a mutual lack of trust.和平谈判由于缺乏相互间的信任而受阻。The car dilapidated because of lack of attention.汽车由于缺乏保养而变得破破烂烂。Lack of communication, not lack of caring, often causes marriages to break up.婚姻的破裂通常是由于缺乏沟通,而不是缺少关爱。The errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.青年时代的错误常由于缺乏判断力所致。Most of the juvenile offences were caused by inadequate family upbringing.大多数的少年犯罪是由于缺乏家庭教育造成的。Short of tank transporters, the tanks had to travel to the front on their own treads.由于缺乏坦克运输车,坦克不得不自己开往前线。He was criticized for his unprofessionalism.由于缺乏专业水准受到批评。Absent a detailed plan, the project was doomed from the start.由于缺乏详尽的规划,这项工程从一开始就注定要失败。Economic growth has been inhibited by the lack of investment.经济增长由于缺乏投资而受到抑制。The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest.由于缺乏休息,这些男人日渐虚弱。Potentialities remain repressed for lack of issue.潜能由于缺乏冲力而未能发挥出来。




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