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In the large cities of Africa, where different ethnic groups with many different languages are thrown together, people communicate in English or Swahili.非洲的大城市里居住着不同的民族,说着许多不同的语言,大家就用英语或斯瓦希里语沟通。Can he make himself understood in English?你能用英语表达自己的意思吗?They talked to each other in a mix of English and Spanish.他们彼此用英语和西班牙语相夹杂的语言交谈。German fairy stories retold in English用英语复述的德国童话故事They talked to each other in a mixture of English and Spanish.他们用英语和西班牙语相夹杂的语言进行交谈。Most restaurant staff can communicate adeptly in both English and Cantonese.大多数餐馆员工可以熟练地用英语和粤语交流。Do you think in English when you speak English?你讲英语时用英语思考吗? He expresses himself easily in English.他能轻松地用英语表达自己的观点。That dictionary is written in English.那部词典是用英语编写的。In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。Something must have gotten lost in translation because the joke isn't funny in English.这个笑话在翻译时肯定缺失了一些含义,因为用英语讲一点也不好笑。She is literate in both English and Spanish.她会用英语和西班牙语读写。He answered our questions in English but with a thick accent.他用英语回答了我们的问题,不过口音很重。Half of the island's population has no usable English.这座岛上的居民有一半无法用英语交流。The interview was conducted in English.这次面试是用英语进行的。Users say the word they want in English and the translator speaks the equivalent word back in French, German, or Spanish.使用者用英语说出他们想表达的词,翻译用法语、德语或西班牙语说出对应词。 |