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例句 An adhesive for sticking on labels will be provided.我们会提供用来粘贴标签的胶水。Plastics are now often used in place of wood or metal.现在塑胶经常被用来代替木料或金属。The research will be used to identify training needs.该研究将用来确定培训的需求。Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.肢体语言也可以用来吸引异性的注意。Part of the punch in the machine cuts the hole.机器中的一部分冲头用来割洞。Wood is used to deaden the noise.木头可以用来消音。Schools were used to assimilate the children of immigrants.学校被用来同化这些移民子女。The data that's being used to fault American education is highly politicized.用来指责美国教育的数据被高度政治化了。Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food.添加剂用来延长包装食品的保质期。It's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive shapes.那是一种设计得很精巧的小器具,可以用来把蔬菜切成漂亮的形状。The bird's colorful feathers are used to attract a mate.鸟的鲜艳羽毛是用来吸引配偶的。These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.这些论据或许是用来作为一种修辞手段来论证联合国将发挥长久的作用。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.这个小工具是用来给母牛进行人工授精的。The sheep's wool will be spun into yarn.这些羊毛将被用来纺成毛线。The budget surplus could be used to hire and train more border guards.多出的预算可以用来雇用和训练更多的边防警卫。That money is to cover costs such as travel and accommodation.那笔钱是用来支付交通费和住宿费的。The colt used to whip seamen has disappeared on the ship.船上用来鞭打水手的笞绳不见了。I had obtained my first camera for the express purpose of taking railway photographs.我已经买了我的第一架照相机,专门用来拍摄铁路。The cream is normally used for treating minor skin complaints.这种药膏一般用来治疗轻微的皮肤病。Highly sensitive accelerometers can be used to guide missiles and drones.高度敏感的加速仪可以用来指引火箭和无人飞机。Every scene of his boyhood was used to adorn a moral tale.他童年时代的每一个情景都被用来使一个富有道德教益的故事更加生动。A current of high potential is used in transmitting electric power over long distances.高压电流被用来远距离输送电力。A program is supplied which scans for viruses and removes them.有人提供了一个程序用来扫描并消除病毒。Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey, and tearing flesh.犬齿用来咬穿、咬死猎物,还可以撕肉。This water is not for drinking.这种水不是用来喝的。The software is designed to block pornographic Web sites, but in practice , it blocks many other sites as well.设计这个软件是用来封锁色情网站的,但在实际运用当中,它也封锁了很多其他网站。Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.锌被用来保护其他金属不受腐蚀。In many parts of the world clover is grown as food for cattle.在世界许多地区,种植红花草用来作牲畜饲料。The juice from the meat is used to make the sauce.肉汁用来做酱。This problem is designed to test your powers of observation.这道题是用来测试你的观察能力的。Marriage. Children. House. Money. All the usual anodynes that never work.婚姻、孩子、房子、票子,所有这些通常用来给人以安慰。Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.你见过这种很有用处的小装置吗——它是用来把蛋黄和蛋清分开的。Oil is used in the manufacture of a number of fabrics.石油被用来生产多种纺织品。Owing to its fire-proof characteristics, asbestos is often used to make the main curtain of a stage.由于石棉有防火作用,它经常被用来做舞台的大幕。He expropriated food meant for the refugees and sold it on the black market.他把用来救济难民的粮食据为己有,并拿到黑市上去出售。The barbed wire is to stop people climbing over the fence.带刺铁丝网是用来阻止人们爬篱笆的。The security alarm is a theft deterrent.安全警报器可以用来防盗。The money is used to buy basic foods such as flour, rice, and pasta.这笔钱用来买像面粉、米和意大利面食这样的基本食品。There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.有一个可用来排水的手泵。The ruins provided some shelter from the rain.这个废墟能用来避避雨。




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