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词汇 生物
例句 She's a research biologist for a pharmaceutical company.她是一家制药公司的生物研究人员。I have seen such a creature in its death throes.我曾见过这样在垂死挣扎的生物Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe.人类至今还死抱住那个荒唐的观念不放,即我们是宇宙中唯一有智慧的生物Is there life on Mars?.火星上有生物吗?Many creatures live underground during daylight hours.许多生物白天都生活在地下。This creature is unique to Borneo.这种生物为婆罗洲所特有。This is a natural biological response.这是自然的生物反应。The US is in the van of the quest to establish contact with other planets.美国在探索与外层空间生物建立联系方面处于领先地位。Pollution threatens both human and non-human life.污染威胁着人类和其他生物的生活。In rare cases, a mutation confers a survival advantage to the organism.在极少数情况下,基因突变会给生物带来生存优势。In the film, the house was visited by a strange incorporeal being.在影片中,一个奇怪的无形体生物造访了这座房子。The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.栖息地的丧失是这些生物生存的最大威胁。In college, she majored in chemistry and minored in biology.她上大学时主修化学,副修生物Who knows what creatures live in the depths of the ocean?谁知道海洋深处生活着什么样的生物?Some green algae are multicellular.一些绿藻是多细胞生物We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today.今天的生物实验课上,我们得解剖一条蚯蚓和一只青蛙。Biology is their great passion at the moment.目前他们对生物非常感兴趣。Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。The researchers hope their bioplastics' compatibility with the human body will lead to various medical applications.研究人员希望生物塑料与人体的兼容性能够在医学上多方应用。US companies lead the world in biotechnology.美国公司在生物科技方面走在世界的前面。Birds, sea-life and the coastline all suffered grievously.鸟类、海洋生物及沿海生物均受到严重影响。Their death and decay may deplete oxygen in the water, causing mass mortality of other living organisms.它们的死亡和腐败也许会大量消耗水中的氧气,从而造成其他生物的大批死亡。The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。An entomologist specializes in studying six-legged creatures.昆虫学家专门研究六只脚生物Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures.爬行动物是冷血生物You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms.你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物Is there any other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos?在宇宙的其他星球上还存在别的有智慧的生物吗? That is one of the strangest creatures I have ever seen.那是我见过的最奇怪的生物之一。That is one of the oddest creatures I have ever seen.那是我曾经见过的最古怪的生物之一。Some scientists estimate that at least one third of the life forms that exist in deep oceans have not yet been discovered.有些科学家估计,深海中至少有三分之一的生物尚未被发现。These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes.这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见。All beings are probably produced by a similar mode of generation, depending on the concourse of the two sexes.所有生物很可能都以相似的方式繁育,都依赖于两性的交合。The uproar led to the establishment of bioethics committees to oversee research.这场轩然大波导致了生物伦理学协会的建立,旨在对研究进行监管。Naturalists work with volunteers to inventory all living organisms in the park.博物学家和志愿者一起为这个公园里的所有生物编制目录。No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.那里没有任何生物生存,无论是大型的还是显微镜下才可见的微小生物I flunked my Biology exam.生物考试不及格。All living creatures need food.所有的生物都需要食物。This chemical is toxic to many forms of life.这种化学品对很多生物都有毒害。We are now beginning to believe that there may be life on other planets.我们现在开始相信其他行星上可能有生物The class filled in the gaps in my knowledge of biology.这门课填补了我在生物知识方面的空缺。




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