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词汇 continued
例句 He clenched his teeth and continued to look straight ahead.他咬紧牙关,一动不动地看着前方。Severe pain continued to trouble me.剧痛继续折磨着我。The fighting continued off and on throughout the years.战争断断续续地打了好多年。They were warned that they risked dismissal if the strike continued.他们被警告说如果继续罢工就有遭解雇的危险。The gale continued to strengthen throughout the night.整个晚上狂风越刮越猛。He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake.他划船把她送上岸,然后继续慢悠悠地在湖上划。The United Nations has issued a statement deploring the continued fighting.联合国发表了一项声明强烈谴责仍在持续的交火。We continued along the road for some time.我们继续沿着这条路走了一段时间。I continued to brood. Would he always be like this?我一直不安:他会一直这样吗?These problems have continued month after month. 这些问题已经持续数月之久。The protest continued peacefully until government troops moved in to break it up.抗议活动一直和平进行,直到政府军进来驱散了人群。Smoke clouded the city sky after two large grass fires continued to burn over the weekend.两场草原大火燃烧了整整一个周末,烟雾笼罩在城市上空。Their squabbling continued day in, day out until it almost drove me out of my mind.他们每天争吵不断,搞得我都要发疯了。The Monroes continued to entertain extravagantly.门罗一家继续大宴宾客。The noise continued, piquing her curiosity.那种声音没有停,激起了她的好奇心。The passion and violence unleashed by Quebec nationalism continued to grow.魁北克民族主义引发的激情和狂热持续高涨。As reports of robberies continued to appear in the press, the whole community was increasingly on edge.有关抢劫的报道持续地见诸报端,整个社会都越来越紧张。The disease has continued to perplex doctors.这种病仍然困扰着医生们。He continued his work despite his illness.他不顾疾病坚持工作下去。Even after the sun had set, the stones continued to give out heat.太阳落山后,石头还是热烘烘的。She ignored their threats and continued to do what she felt was right.她不理会他们的威胁,继续做她觉得正确的事。Mr Kerry continued to draw his salary during the time of his absence.克里先生不上班的时候还继续领薪水。He continued throughout to restate his opposition to violence.他一直不断重申他反对暴力。Kate could see the grief etched on his face as he continued.在他往下说的时候,凯特可以看到他脸上深切的悲痛。Helicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the flood waters.直升机继续搜寻其他为躲避洪水而爬到树上去的人。The band continued with their set after a short break.短暂的休息后,乐队继续演奏他们的曲目。Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.说服其余人跟着效仿的努力仍在继续。Climate changes threaten the continued existence of the species.气候变化对这些物种的继续生存构成了威胁。The party continued well past midnight.聚会一直延续到后半夜。The cost of housing continued to rise.住房费用持续增长。The practice has continued from medieval times to the present day.这种做法从中世纪时期一直延续至今。Outbursts of violence continued spasmodically after the war ended.战争结束后暴力冲突仍时断时续地爆发。Export orders continued to fall steeply.出口订单持续急剧下降。The demonstrations continued until well into the evening.示威活动一直持续到很晚。Chris continued to annoy her with questions on totally irrelevant subjects.克里斯不停地问她一些毫不相干的问题,这使她很恼火。The outlook for the weekend is for continued sunny weather.周末的天气预测是继续晴朗的天气。The gap between the lead runner and the rest of the field continued to widen.领跑选手与场内其他选手之间的距离在继续拉大。The continued exertion angered his wound.连续用力使他的伤口肿痛发炎。There have also been claims of continued phone-tapping and bugging.另有指控称仍有电话窃听和干扰。Sheila continued to work after she had her baby.希拉生了孩子后继续工作。




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