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词汇 理解力
例句 Otherwise quick on the uptake, he is a bit dim about the digs she makes at him.对她的揶揄,他往往不太领会,尽管在其他方面他的理解力很强。His understanding needs to be opened.必须开阔他的理解力She sets her students a comprehension every week.她每星期对学生作一次理解力测验。His understanding opened with the years.随着年龄的增长,他的理解力也发展了。A child with sufficient understanding may sometimes be asked to give a statement.有足够理解力的孩子有时可能会被要求作一说明。Universities should be about the acquisition of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.大学应该是学习知识、增加智慧和提高理解力的地方。The years had not blunted his keen intelligence.岁月没有减弱他那敏锐的理解力She has very weak powers of reception and is slow to understand anything.她接受力很差,对无论什么事情的理解力又很迟钝。Younger students cannot be expected to have great depth of understanding.不能期求年轻学生有很深刻的理解力Her perception of right and wrong seemed almost intuitive.她对于是非的理解力几乎带有直觉的性质。The teacher gave us a comprehension test.老师给我们作了一次理解力测试。There are exercises for checking comprehension.有测验理解力的练习。She's pretty quick on the uptake.她的理解力很强。Some of the historical nuances are beyond the grasp of most children.一些历史事件的微妙变化超越了大部分孩子的理解力Longinus provides a sensitive reading of Sappho's poem.朗吉努斯以敏锐的理解力诠释了萨福的诗歌。She had an intuitive understanding of the intricacies of business.她对商业的错综复杂之处有一种直觉上的理解力He is quick of apprehension.理解力很敏锐。The teacher's comments are designed to help improve your knowledge and understanding.老师的评语是为了帮助增加你的知识,提高你的理解力She is not an intellectual, but is quick on the uptake.她并非才智过人,但理解力很强。I admit that a lot of the ideas went way over my head.我承认那些想法中有很多远远超出了我的理解力Don't teach over the pupil's heads.讲课的内容不要超过学生的理解力




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