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He rarely talked about his own work, and was content to listen to the experiences of others.他很少谈自己的工作,却乐于倾听他人的经验。She is content to live quietly by herself.她甘愿独自安静地生活。They share equal responsibility for the content of the review.他们对评审内容承担同样多的责任。These people were content, living in a kind of theocracy.这些人生活在某种神权政治国家里,感到心满意足。Concentrate on the content of your essay, not its appearance.写文章要注重内容,不要注重形式。Several start-ups were bankrupted by the high cost of producing original content.新开的几家公司因出版原创内容的高成本而破产了。Red meat tends to have a high fat content.红肉的脂肪含量往往较高。The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content.这光泽艳丽的封面与枯燥的学术内容完全不相称。The water content will cause the wallpaper to swell.水分会使墙纸起鼓。The content of the media course includes scripting, editing and camera work.大众传媒课程的内容包括广播稿写作、剪辑和摄像操作。In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs.在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.这种专为儿童设计的软件有高质量的图片和动画,对内容而言却并不喧宾夺主。Let's sing to our heart's content!让我们尽情地歌唱吧! He is content with the status quo and does not like change.他满足于现状,不想改变。The content of a repair group is evident from part lists and exploded pictures.修理组的内容在零件列表和分解图中是很明显的。She is content with the way things are.她对现状感到满意。This wine has a high alcoholic content.这种酒酒精度高。Avoid using straight faced clubs, and in severe circumstances be content to keep the ball in play.避免使用直面杆,迫不得已的情况下保持活球就行。He seems to be quite content with his life at present.他似乎对目前的生活心满意足。Not content with disrupting the meeting, he then proceeded to insult the chairman.他打断了会议还不满足,接着又开始侮辱主席。At the moment my mother seems content to take things slowly.这阵子我母亲好像对悠闲的生活很满足。Nearby ditches and walls affect the moisture content of the soil.附近的沟渠和墙影响土壤的水分含量。There have been stabs at regulating Web content.曾经尝试过规范网络内容。It is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content.一般来说,水果颜色越深,含铁量就越高。I've always found his movies long on style and short on content.我一直觉得他的电影长于风格却内容空乏。They let him eat and drink to his heart's content.他们让他吃饱喝足。The TV station is continuing to localize content in order to maximize regional sales.电视台继续对内容进行地方化,以期实现区域销售最大化。He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move.他温顺地坐在那里,心满意足地等着他父亲走第一步棋。He was not content to plough the same furrow as his father.他不满足于对父亲亦步亦趋。This beer is low in alcohol content. 这种啤酒的酒精含量低。Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.降雨会影响空气湿度。Some of the program's content may offend certain viewers.这个节目中的有些内容可能会冒犯某些观众。The alcohol content of his blood was three times over the legal limit.他血液里的酒精含量是法定限量的三倍。She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it.她对自己目前的生活并不满意,希望能采取措施改善它。He insisted that the mineral content of the water determined the opacity.他坚持认为水中的矿物质含量决定水的清澈度。She seems content to live with him.她似乎很满意与他生活在一起。The baby looks content in her crib.小家伙躺在她的婴儿床上,看上去很满足。In terms of content, the article is good, but it is written poorly.就内容而言,这篇文章不错,但文笔很差。Not content with having upset my parents, he then insulted my sister!他惹得我父母生气还不够,又欺辱我姐姐!I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart's content.我很高兴能够痛痛快快地吃我最喜爱的菜。 |