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Who in the class is best at history?班上谁最擅长历史?The class sniggered at her mistake.班上同学暗笑她的错误。Some new teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.有些新教师发现难以维持他们班上的秩序。 The teacher called the class to order.教师要班上学生安静下来上课。 Some of the class will ask some boring questions.班上有些人是会提一些无聊的问题的。I was always one of the slowest runners in my class.我总是班上跑得最慢的人之一。The two men ended up in the same business law class and hit it off immediately.这两个男人后来在同一个商业法律班上,一见如故。Karen has always been first in her class.卡伦总是她班上的第一名。Ella is the smallest girl in her class.埃拉是她班上个头最小的女孩。She stands alone among her classmates.她在班上同学中是出类拔萃的。The class surveyed a cross section of the student body.班上对有代表性的学生做了调查。He really is the dullest boy in the class.他确实是班上最笨的男生。Beth is one of the most popular girls in her class.贝丝是班上人缘最好的女孩之一。All the girls in my class are going except me! I'll never live it down!除了我以外,我班上的其他女生全都去了!我永远也无法让人们忘掉这件事!Her scores compare well with those of the rest of the class.与班上其他同学相比,她的分数算是不错的。He was the class clown: he was always playing practical jokes on teachers.他是班上的活宝,一天到晚对老师搞恶作剧。There's no doubt that she can produce work that is equal to anyone else's in her class.毫无疑问,她做的作业比得上班上其他的人。She came top of the class in English.她是班上的英语尖子。The male population of the class rushed as one to her assistance.班上的男学生一窝蜂地赶去帮助她。Two of the children in the class are dyslexic.班上有两个孩子患有诵读困难症。Most of the class passed.班上大多数人都考试及格了。Billy is always fooling in class but the teacher will catch up with him someday.比利老是在班上胡闹,可是总有一天要受到老师处罚的。There are regular class discussions, but some of the students never participate.班上有定期的讨论课,但有些学生从不参加。Jean is cooperative and helpful in the classroom.琼在班上富于合作精神,并乐于助人。He's more mature than the other boys in his class.他比班上其他男生更成熟。The teacher dictated a short poem to the class.教师让班上学生听写一首短诗。I'm the only person of color in my class.我是我们班上唯一的有色人种。She's out and away the cleverest girl in our class.她绝对是我们班上最优秀的学生。 She was no doubt the smartest person in her class.她无疑是班上最聪明的人。All of your classmates have begun their projects, and I suggest you do the same.你班上所有同学都已开始了他们的项目,我建议你也开始。There are fewer boys than girls in my class.我班上男生比女生少。Some children in the class are quicker than others.班上的一些孩子比另外一些反应快。During his parents’ divorce, Robert began acting up in class.父母闹离婚那阵子,罗伯特就开始在班上捣乱。At least two-thirds of the class will attend the play.班上至少有三分之二的同学会去看戏。He was miles ahead of the other students in his class.他在班上遥遥领先于其他同学。The teachers are prepared to down chalk unless the disruptive pupils are removed from their classes.如果不把那些捣乱的学生从班上开除出去,教师们就准备罢教。A little over half the class can swim.班上有一半多一点的人会游泳。In our class we have children of all different religious and ethnic backgrounds.我们班上的孩子来自各不相同的宗教和种族背景。Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month.她班上的老师作了特别安排,每月讨论一次她在学业上的进展情况。Lorna speaks Spanish so badly that no one in our class can understand her.洛娜的西班牙语讲得很糟,我们班上没人听得懂。 |