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词汇 现代社会
例句 These crimes are a sad reflection on modern society.这些犯罪反映出现代社会令人痛心的弊病。Marx still has much to say to the modern world.马克思对现代社会仍有很大影响。The family is the basic social unit of modern society.家庭是现代社会的基本单位。The speaker was holding forth on the collapse of modern society.演说者正在就现代社会的解体大发议论。Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies.在大多数现代社会里都可以看到类似的趋势。Apathy is one of the maladies of modern society.冷漠是现代社会的弊病之一。The book condemns the decadence of modern society.这本书谴责了现代社会的道德败坏。Some people think television is to blame for a lot of the problems in modern society.一些人认为现代社会中的许多问题都要归罪于电视。Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.他们之间的关系说明了现代社会中存在的沟通问题。The modern world is dominated by a sense of fatality.现代社会为一种宿命意识所支配。These problems threaten the very foundations of modern society.这些问题威胁到现代社会的根本基础。His sculpture can be seen as a positive statement of general relevance to modern society.可以认为他的雕塑作品正面地表现了同现代社会的普遍关系。No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt.谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。He maintains Islam must adapt to modern society.他坚决主张伊斯兰教必须适应现代社会Traces of earlier ways of life are embedded in modern society.早期生活方式的痕迹深深融入了现代社会中。These changes strike at the heart of British/American/modern society.这些变化冲击了英国/美国/现代社会的核心。Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。The avowed aim of revolutionaries is to disrupt modern society.革命者们公开宣示的目标是要扰乱现代社会Her ideas have lost all relevance to the modern world.她的想法与现代社会完全脱节。Loneliness in old age is the curse of modern society.老年孤独是现代社会的不幸。That bank is trying to avoid becoming a dreadful anachronism in a modern society.那银行尽量设法避免在现代社会中过于落伍。Is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be abolished?君主政体在现代社会仍有意义还是该被废除?It is only the old-fashioned sort, not girls of the period pur sang, that marry for love.只有老派的姑娘才会为爱情而结婚,真正现代社会的姑娘是不会这么做的。Modern society does not always correspond to classical notions of democracy.现代社会并不始终与传统的民主观念相一致。The essay discusses the role that television plays in modern society. 这篇论文探讨了电视在现代社会中的作用。The programme examines the role of women in modern society.这个节目审视现代社会中女性的作用。In modern society, markets are in a constant state of flux.现代社会中,市场行情不断变化。These problems are common to all modern societies.这些问题在所有的现代社会中都存在。Drugs are one of the many evils of modern society.毒品是现代社会的众多祸害之一。The play is a comment on modern society.这部戏是现代社会的写照。Capital punishment has no place in a modern society.现代社会不容有死刑。To many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times.在许多年轻人看来,教会已过时了,与现代社会格格不入。Industry is an integral part of modern society.工业是现代社会不可或缺的组成部分。Traffic in narcotics is a modern hydra.毒品贩卖是现代社会一大祸患。The social problems in modern society are mounting.现代社会的社会问题正在日益增多。Television could be seen as a totem of modern society.电视可以被视为现代社会的图腾。The modern society and the modern economy have come to be dispersive.现代社会和现代经济已开始趋向分散。Eliot considered modern society to be both culturally and spiritually empty.艾略特认为现代社会在文化上和精神上都很空虚。




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