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词汇 玛丽亚
例句 It's always been Maria's ambition to have her own business.玛丽亚的抱负一直是自己做生意。Maria gestured expressively as she talked.玛丽亚讲话时手和头的动作很有表现力。After a short pause Maria went on with her story.玛丽亚停顿了一会儿,然后接着讲她的故事。Maria was eager to revisit her first school.玛丽亚渴望重访她上的第一所学校。Sam began to realize he had no place in Maria's scheme of things.萨姆开始意识到他在玛丽亚的生活格局中没有地位。Maria was very pleased with her choice.玛丽亚对自己选的东西很满意。Gathering her robe around her, Maria ran upstairs.玛丽亚将身上的睡袍拉紧,向楼上跑去。Dearest Maria, Aren't I terrible, not coming back like I promised?最亲爱的玛丽亚,我没有遵守承诺回来,是不是很差劲?Maria speaks Spanish with a Mexican accent.玛丽亚的西班牙语带有墨西哥口音。Maria had spirit and intelligence as well as beauty.玛丽亚活力、才智和美貌兼备。Maria loved both the children. There was never a hint of favouritism.玛丽亚两个孩子都喜欢,从来没有丝毫偏心。Her high voice really irritated Maria.她的大嗓门着实惹恼了玛丽亚I wanted to go on holiday with Maria, but she put a block on that plan.我想和玛丽亚一起去度假,但她阻止了这个计划。Maria will be a fine musician; she shows a lot of ability.玛丽亚会成为一名优秀的音乐家,她很有才华。After their quarrel, things between Maria and her father were rather frosty.吵了一架之后,玛丽亚和父亲之间的关系颇为冷淡。In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her sexual favours for money.玛丽亚在非常年轻的时候,曾靠卖淫来赚钱。Maria's shoes had got holes in the toes.玛丽亚的鞋尖处破了几个洞。Maria sends her apologies, but she cannot come.玛丽亚表示歉意,说她不能来了。Maria was small and sturdy, with dark hair and dark eyes.玛丽亚个子矮小敦实,黑头发,黑眼睛。She agreed to vouch for Maria and get her a job.她同意为玛丽亚担保,帮她找份工作。Maria started crying over the phone as she told me about it.玛丽亚告诉我这件事的时候在电话里哭了起来。Maria belted her raincoat firmly.玛丽亚把雨衣系紧。Maria can be very blunt and sometimes shocks people who don't know her well.玛丽亚说话可以很不客气,不了解她的人有时会觉得很震惊。Maria handled the situation very diplomatically.玛丽亚非常老道得体地处理了这一情况。Maria speaks remarkably good English.玛丽亚讲一口非常流利的英语。Maria had curled her hair for the event.玛丽亚为出席那次活动烫了头发。He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together.他于是相信他和玛丽亚也许还有希望在一起。Maria was running around trying to get the house tidy.玛丽亚在忙着收拾房子。Kneeling in front of the open hearth, Maria was fanning the smouldering fire.玛丽亚跪在敞开的壁炉前,扇着冒烟的炉火。Nick's really stuck on Maria - he doesn't talk about anything else.尼克真的喜欢上玛丽亚了——他张口闭口谈的全是她。Maria's lace-ups had got holes in the toes, real holes.玛丽亚的缚带靴头部有破洞,破得可厉害啦。That wonderful backhand slice of Maria's sends the ball where her opponent just can't reach it.玛丽亚那一记漂亮的反手削球恰好把球打到了对手够不到的地方。Maria suddenly started screeching at Bruno.玛丽亚突然冲着布鲁诺尖叫起来。Maria bowed down before the statue.玛丽亚拜倒在塑像前。Maria's put on a bit of weight, hasn't she?玛丽亚长胖了一点儿,对吧?Cheer up Maria. It isn't like you to be as depressed as this.玛丽亚,振作起来。这样消沉可不像你呀。Maria finally turned around and confronted the man.玛丽亚最后转过身来正视着那男人。My Sister's Life tells the story of the parallel lives of the two girls in the voices of both Maria and Karen.《我姐妹的一生》分别以玛丽亚和卡伦的口吻讲了两个女孩平行的人生故事。Maria is by turns protective and vulnerable.玛丽亚有时很会保护自己,有时则很脆弱。Maria came dashing down the stairs.玛丽亚冲下了楼梯。




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