例句 |
The stock market's precipitous drop frightened foreign investors.股票市场的猛跌吓坏了国外投资者。There's been a slump in the demand for new cars.新车的需求量猛跌。This brought about a heavy slump in prices.这引起物价猛跌。The store experienced a sharp plunge in sales.这家店的销售量猛跌。The euro plunged to its lowest rate against the dollar.欧元对美元的比价猛跌到了历史最低。The country watched as stocks fell sharply.股票猛跌引起了举国关注。Stocks took a sharp spill in today's trading.股票在今天的交易中猛跌。Circulation slumped and the magazine closed.发行量猛跌,那份杂志停办了。Stock prices took a tumble in the afternoon.股票价格下午猛跌。 |