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词汇 独立生活
例句 Dad always wanted me to be able to fend for myself from a very early age.我幼年时起爸爸就一直要求我能够独立生活The seal pup must be taken back to the sea directly she was able to fend for herself.一旦那只小海豹能独立生活,就必须把它放回到海里去。Margaret wanted to live independently, but would she ever manage it?玛格丽特想独立生活,但她能做到吗?When I started living on my own I had no idea how to cook or keep house.刚开始独立生活时,我根本不懂做饭,也不会料理家务。Most elderly people prefer to live independently if they can.大多数老年人只要能够,都喜欢独立生活A year abroad gives students the chance to stand on their own two feet.出国一年给学生们学会独立生活的机会。When their children had flown the nest, he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset.孩子们独立生活以后,他和妻子搬到了多塞特的一处茅草屋居住。A lot of the girls envied me my independent, freewheeling life.许多女孩子羡慕我那种随心所欲的独立生活John wants to leave home and go it alone.约翰想离开家庭,独立生活His parents didn't think he was mature enough to live on his own.他的父母认为他还不够成熟,不可以独立生活Gradually he learned to cope with living alone.他逐渐学会了如何独立生活The mother died before the cubs were old enough to fend for themselves.这些幼兽还未长大到能够独立生活时母兽就死了。I was strongly considering leaving her on her own.我在认真考虑是否让她独立生活We're interested in independent self-sufficient living, off-the-grid.我们对自给自足、水电自理的独立生活感兴趣。Learning how to live on your own for a while will do you no harm at all.学习过一段时间的独立生活对你没有任何坏处。Living on your own is a whole different story from living with your parents.独立生活与和父母住在一起完全是两码事。She'll never learn to stand on her own feet if you keep giving her whatever she wants.如果她要什么你给什么,那她一辈子也无法学会独立生活He needs to grow up some before he can live on his own.他需要再长大些才能独立生活She had elderly parents who could no longer live independently.她的父母年事已高,再不能独立生活




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