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词汇 犯下
例句 It's difficult to understand what causes a man to rape.很难理解是什么原因导致一个男人犯下强奸罪行。Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime.贝茨让一个无辜的人为他犯下的罪行去坐牢。The gang have pulled another bank robbery.那个团伙又犯下一桩银行抢劫案。Although the offences were horrific, it was to her credit that she had owned up.虽然她犯下了可怕的罪行,但是值得肯定的是她全部供认不讳。You begin to ask yourself what kind of person perpetrated this crime.你开始自问是什么样的人犯下了这样的罪。He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.他假借日记对该政权犯下的恐怖罪行巧加粉饰。It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake.听起来他们似乎犯下了一个可怕的错误。The occupying forces committed countless atrocities.占领军犯下了罄竹难书的暴行。A UN court will hand down judgments on the genocide cases of the country's former transport minister.联合国的一个法院将对该国前交通部部长犯下的大屠杀案件进行宣判。Williams is now paying the price for his early mistakes.威廉斯现在正为早年犯下的错误付出代价。It's disgraceful that rapists are given such short sentences for such awful crimes.强奸者犯下如此可怕的罪行却被判这么短的徒刑,真是可耻。Decent people were filled with disgust for whoever committed the crimes.正派的人对任何犯下这些罪行的人都感到深恶痛绝。He was guilty of the sin of arrogant hard-heartedness.犯下了傲慢无情的恶行。I feel like a dumbbell for making such a stupid mistake.我真是个笨蛋,犯下这么愚蠢的错误。The massacre was a crime against humanity.这次大屠杀犯下了反人类的罪行。The aggressors committed appalling atrocities.侵略者犯下了骇人听闻的暴行。Retreating soldiers told stories of awful atrocities committed by the enemy.撤退的士兵们叙述了敌军犯下的可怕暴行。She has committed a terrible crime.犯下了可怕的罪行。The robbery was committed by a vengeful former employee.这起抢劫案是一个原先的雇员为了报复而犯下的。It was an evil crime against a defenceless old man.这是对一位孤弱无助的老人犯下的邪恶罪行。They were guilty of unspeakable crimes.他们犯下了令人难以启齿的罪行。Even politicians are not immune from the sins of the flesh.即使是政治家也难免犯下肉欲之罪。It's his own stupid fault his car was stolen-he should have kept it locked.他的汽车被偷完全是他自己犯下的愚蠢错误 - 他应该把车锁上。The crime was committed under provocation.该罪行是被激怒后犯下的。The Attorney General called the sentence a fair and just punishment for someone who had committed such a dreadful crime.司法部长称这一判决对一个犯下如此可怕罪行的人而言是公正的惩罚。Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privileged human beings.对最贫穷和最没有特权的人们犯下了大量罪行。Sincere penance consists of resolving to avoid in the future those deeds that call for remorse.真诚悔过就要下定决心避免犯下那些将来引起悔恨的行为。The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.这个帮派的成员犯下了数十宗持械抢劫案。First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week?首先,请允许我为上周犯下的错误道歉。Most of the criminals who committed the bank heist have already been apprehended by the police.犯下银行抢案的罪犯大多已遭警方逮捕。The Yardies were dealing, bringing in more users, who committed more crime.牙买加黑帮贩卖毒品,使更多的人变成瘾君子,这些瘾君子又去犯下更多的罪行。Taxpayers should not carry the can for corporate mistakes.纳税人不应该为公司犯下的错误背黑锅。They were desperate to conceal the enormity of what they had done.他们拼命去掩盖自己犯下的罪恶。They would not admit to their colossal mistake.他们不会承认自己犯下的严重错误。The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women.法官说他对妇女犯下了滔天罪行。She would be guilty of betraying her own mother.她会犯下背叛自己母亲的错误。The people responsible for these crimes must be brought to book. 必须将犯下这些罪行的人绳之以法。The book recounts the infamies committed by the regime.这本书记述了这个政权犯下的累累罪行。This was one of the blackest crimes ever committed.这是迄今犯下的最令人发指的罪行之一。He made the fatal mistake of lending her some money.犯下了借钱给她的致命错误。




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