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词汇 牵涉到
例句 The trouble involved a small group of football supporters.这场骚乱牵涉到一小帮足球迷。Some very fine legal points were involved.牵涉到一些非常细的法律问题。But the case now has the whole place talking, with its sinuous plot, double-agents and moles.但是该案错综复杂,牵涉到一些双面间谍及内奸,现在已在当地传得沸沸扬扬。The investigation involved many innocent people.这次调查牵涉到许多无辜者。Local people are hostile towards the plan, which would involve a significant tax increase.这个计划牵涉到大幅度加税,当地人强烈反对。The range war involves a land dispute.牧场大战牵涉到一宗地产纠纷。It took years to untangle the legal complexities of the case.理清该案牵涉到的复杂法律问题花了很多年的时间。The spy scandal involved two cabinet ministers and several civil servants.间谍丑闻牵涉到两位内阁成员和几名公务员。The three week trial turned out to be an emotional ordeal for everyone involved.三个星期的审讯对牵涉到的每一个人来说都是一种精神折磨。It's kind of a referendum, though a lot of issues are packed in.这算是全民公决,虽然牵涉到很多问题。There are a lot of complexities surrounding this issue.此事牵涉到许多错综复杂的情况。He was involved in a road accident.牵涉到一场交通事故当中。There are two problems with this situation, one major, one minor.这一情况牵涉到两个问题,一个主要的,一个次要的。Everyone involved in the accident has been questioned by the police.事故牵涉到的每个人都被警方盘问过。Does this involve me?这是否牵涉到我?Burrows denied that members of his election staff had been involved in dirty tricks.伯罗斯否认他的竞选班子中有成员牵涉到不诚实的伎俩里。The first part of the problem would involve filtering out some of the tar particles.问题的第一部分将牵涉到滤除一些焦油微粒。




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