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词汇 牲畜
例句 A merciful man is merciful to his beast.仁慈的人对待其牲畜也是仁慈的。They move with their flocks to upland pastures.他们带著牲畜迁往高原上的牧场。They have stocked their farm with livestock, seeds and canned food.他们为农场供应牲畜、种子和罐头食品。The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder.牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。Some of the animals will be kept as breeding stock.一些牲畜将留作种畜。The mule is too balky to pull a plow.骡子这种牲畜太倔,不适于拉犁。They were so hungry they killed the rest of their livestock that winter.那年冬天他们饿极了,就把余下的牲畜全部宰杀了。The passengers were packed together like cattle.乘客像牲畜一样挤在一起。Most of the gods are represented as having animals as their vahanas.大多数的神灵被描绘成有牲畜作各自的伐诃纳。These stock are generally calved down when little more than two years old.这些牲畜通常刚到两岁就产犊了。How many heads of livestock do you have on your farm?你农庄里有多少头牲畜?The grass serves as forage for livestock.这种草可以做牲畜的饲料。The animals had been fed and stabled.牲畜已经喂好并关进厩里了。Some types of antibiotic are used to promote growth in farm animals.某些种类的抗生素被用于促进牲畜的生长。During the epidemic farmers had to destroy entire herds.瘟疫发生时,农民不得不把整群整群的牲畜宰杀掉。Farmers were dumping or burying the diseased carcasses.农民在倾倒或掩埋病死牲畜的尸体。The chemical is lethal to rats but safe for cattle.这化学药品杀鼠,但对牲畜无害。The vet gave the animals a thorough checkup.兽医给牲畜作了全面彻底的检查。A brand was a mark of ownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.烙印是一种用烙铁烫印在牲畜毛皮上以标志其归属的印记。The cull is thought to have cost many farmers their livelihoods.有人认为这次宰杀牲畜使许多农民失去了生计。Fodder crops are used to feed livestock.饲料作物是用来喂牲畜的。I've told you many times to keep those critters in the barn.我已跟你讲过多次要把那些牲畜关在畜舍里。The cowboy had to round up a few stragglers.牛仔不得不赶拢一些掉队的牲畜Hundreds of animals are bought and sold at the annual horse fair.一年一度的马市上有数百匹牲畜被买卖。




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