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词汇 consistency
例句 Customers expect consistency in the quality of service they receive.顾客期望他们得到的服务质量始终如一。Flour will give the dough a thicker consistency.加面粉可使面团黏稠一些。The relationship between the two countries was of shaky consistency.这两个国家间的关系不稳定。Peanut butter has a thick creamy consistency.花生酱有稠奶油般的黏性。Romero needs to improve his consistency by throwing more first-pitch strikes.罗梅罗需要多掷几个一投好球来提高稳定性。He needs to have better consistency throwing downfield.他的前场投掷需要保持更好的稳定性。Intellectual consistency is the hallmark of a fine legal mind.思维连贯缜密是优秀法律人才的标志性特征。Add enough water to achieve the desired consistency and blend until smooth.加入足够的水至需要的浓度,搅拌均匀。The frosting retained its consistency.糖霜仍然结得硬邦邦的。Youngsters may have difficulty applying the paint because of its thin consistency.这种颜料小孩子用起来也许有困难,因为它很稀。She mixed the dough to the right consistency.她把面团揉到软硬合适。The songs on the album have an overall consistency of approach.这张专辑的歌曲处理方法总体一致。How do you give a sense of thematic consistency to a body of work?你如何使整部作品保持主题上的连贯?It's important to show some consistency in your work.在工作中表现出连贯性很重要。He scores goals with remarkable consistency.他发挥得极其稳定,连续进球。Practice will ensure greater consistency of performance.参加练习可确保表演水平更加稳定。They've won a few games this season but they lack consistency.这个赛季他们赢过几场比赛,可是表现不稳定。Your actions lack consistency; you say one thing and do the other.你的行动缺乏一致性,说的是一回事,做的却是另一回事。The company's core brand value is consistency in quality and service.这家公司的核心品牌价值在于始终如一的质量和服务。The paints vary in consistency.涂料的黏稠度有差异。Add water and mix with a knife to a doughy consistency.加水用刀搅成黏稠状。The overcooked oatmeal had a consistency resembling paste.那煮过头的燕麦粥黏得像浆糊。Her rude behaviour is not in consistency with her usual polite nature.她的粗鲁行为和她平时斯文的性情是不相符合的。Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk.用水把涂料稀释到牛奶般的稠度。He's a good pitcher, but he lacks consistency. 他是一名好投手,但是表现不稳定。She loved the creamy consistency of fresh paint.她喜欢新鲜油漆乳脂状的黏性。There is no consistency in the furniture styles in this room.这房间里的家具式样不协调。Beat the mixture until it has the consistency of thick cream.搅打混合物,直到黏稠度与浓奶油类似。The batter should have/be the consistency of pudding.面糊的黏稠度应该和布丁差不多。His statements on this subject have lacked consistency.他对这个问题的说法前后不一致。The chutney should be a thick, pulpy consistency.酸辣酱应当是浓稠的、糊状的。He has shown remarkable consistency in his exam results.他的考试成绩一贯优异。The chutney should be a thick, pulpy consistency.酸辣酱应该是浓稠的软糊状。The mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.混合液应该像稠奶油那样黏。Knead the dough to the right consistency.把面团揉到合适的硬度。There's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy.外交政策总是缺乏连贯性。The word can be spelled ten different ways. For consistency's sake, I'm going to use this spelling.这个单词有十种不同拼法,为了保持一致,我将使用这种拼法。Her argument lacks consistency. 她的论证自相矛盾。The mixture has a pasty consistency.这种混合物是糊状。He doesn't understand women: they lack consistency.他不懂女人:女人善变。




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