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例句 Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.原子由带正电的质子、带负电的电子和称为中子的不带电粒子组成。A perfect vacuum would consist literally of nothing.在完全的真空中可以说什么东西都没有。A healthy diet should consist of wholefood.健康饮食应由全天然食物构成。Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems.在现代化军队中,士兵少了,但先进的武器装备多了。The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.这个地区并非全都住着富人,尽管大家都认为如此。Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.幸福不在于你拥有多少财产。The paintings consist of a series of flat planes.这些画是由一系列平面组成的。Mattresses consist of springs sandwiched between padding.床垫由垫子中间夹弹簧制成。Does light consist of a stream of corpuscles?光是微粒流组成的吗?True strength does not consist in mere muscle.真正的力量并非仅仅存在肌肉中。The layers consist of bricks arrayed in regular patterns.一层层砖块排列成规则的图案。A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, specialist knowledge, or copyright material.一个公司的资产可包括现金、投资、专业技术或版权物。All these compound nouns consist of an adjective tagged on to a noun.所有这些复合名词都包含一个附加在名词上的形容词。The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.肺由数百万个小气囊组成。That area's future weather pattern might consist of long, dry periods.那地区未来的天气可能会出现长期的干旱。Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships.社会不是一个个孤立的个体,而是由相互关联的人构成的。The report does not consist with the fact.那报导与事实不合。Her recital programme will consist of music by Beethoven, Chopin, and Debussy.她的独奏会演奏曲目将包括贝多芬、肖邦和德彪西的音乐。The surface of Mercury seems to consist largely of dust.水星的表面似乎大部分由尘埃构成。The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.肺是由数百万个微小肺泡组成的。Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.她的魅力不仅在于她的美貌。With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.马里的大多数村庄都是泥房子。The settlements often consist of simple huts.定居点常常由简单的棚屋构成。The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.这个师将由两个坦克连和一个步兵连组成。The classes consist of immigrants, and students who will return to their home countries at the end of the course. The latter group are preparing for the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.这些班级由移民学生和学成后要回国的学生组成。后者正在准备剑桥英语能力证书考试。




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