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词汇 焦急
例句 A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently.一群乱哄哄的记者坐在旅馆门厅里焦急地等待着。We spent several anxious hours glued to the phone as we waited for news of her condition.我们焦急地在电话边守候了数小时,等待她的病情消息。The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the play.观众焦急地一直等到戏演完了。Teachers reassured anxious parents.老师们安慰焦急的父母。His tension and anxiety circled out from him like magnetic fields.他那紧张和焦急的心情像磁场般影响四周。Fans anxiously watched the clock as the end of the game approached.随着比赛接近尾声,球迷们焦急地盯着比赛时间。We were really sweating as we waited for the results.我们在等待结果时真的感到非常焦急Jeremy waited anxiously, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall.杰里米听着墙上的钟声滴答滴答地响,焦急地等待着。He was hovering anxiously outside.他在外面焦急地走来走去。She waited anxiously by the phone.焦急地等在电话机旁。Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.迈克尔焦急地扫了一眼走廊,但哪儿也看不到威尔弗雷德。It cannot be wondered at that he should have been so anxious.他会如此焦急乃是意料中事。She is anxiously awaiting a decision on her future.焦急地等待着一个事关她未来的决定。They hurried about in dead silence, with anxious faces.他们匆匆地走来走去,一言不发,面露焦急之色。He was anxiously awaiting the birth of his child.他在焦急地等待孩子出生。He was in a lather of anticipation.焦急地期盼着。Her agitated knocking at the window went unheeded.没人答理她焦急的敲窗声。Their parents waited anxiously for news.他们的父母焦急地等待着消息。He was in a real state.他的确很焦急I waited for the results with bated breath.焦急地等待着结果。He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.他等电话时跺着脚,几乎掩藏不住自己的焦急之情。After an anxious wait, Audrey was told her father had died.焦急的等待过后,奥德里被告知父亲去世了。At last all the arrangements were completed and we waited impatiently for the big day to arrive.所有的准备工作终于都做好了,我们焦急地等候着这个重大日子到来。Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me.你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。I must own to a feeling of anxiety.我必须承认有焦急的感觉。He was waiting at the door with an anxious expression/look on his face.他一脸焦急地等在门口。A herd of shoppers waited anxiously for the store to open.许多消费者在焦急地等待商店开门。Relatives are anxiously waiting by the phone for more news about the plane crash.亲属焦急地守在电话机旁,等待更多有关飞机失事的消息。They were kept in suspense about joining the expedition for several weeks.他们焦急地等待了好几个星期,不知道能否参加探险。She kept him in suspense for two whole days before she agreed to marry him.她让他焦急地等了整整两天,才答应嫁给他。Anya searched his face anxiously.阿妮娅焦急地察看他脸上的表情。She had a worried look about her.她一脸焦急的神情。He was then sitting on thorns and waiting for you.他当时如坐针毡,焦急地等待著你。People have been waiting impatiently for a chance to improve the situation.人们一直在焦急地等待使形势出现转机的机会。They hoped desperately that their missing son would come home.他们焦急地盼望失踪的儿子能够回家。Paul paced anxiously backwards and forwards.保罗焦急地来回踱着步。Every Monday the whole office used to wait with bated breath for his report.过去每到周一,整个办公室都会焦急地等待他的报告。He's anxiously awaiting his test results.他正焦急地等待着他的测试结果。The players anxiously awaited the verdict of the umpire.球员们焦急地等待裁判的裁决。He was impatient for the departure of his flight.焦急地等待航班起飞。




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