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It looks like the starter motor on the car has burned out.看起来像是汽车发动机的启动装置被烧坏了。If you keep running the engine like that you're going to burn it out.如果你一直那样开着发动机会把它烧坏的。The engine burned out.发动机烧坏了。Dental records are a very reliable aid in the identification of badly burned bodies.辨认严重烧坏的尸体时,牙科记录是很可靠的辅助资料。He fell asleep with a cigarette and burnt the mattress.他吸烟时睡着了,烧坏了床垫。I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.我希望能有人发明一种永远不会烧坏的灯泡。I think you've burnt out one of the gaskets.我想你是把其中一个密封垫烧坏了。Coal fell out of the fire and burned the carpet.煤渣从炉火里掉出来烧坏了地毯。 |