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词汇 火车
例句 The end doors are not to be used when the train is in motion.火车运行时,车厢端门不得使用。These new trains are out of this world.这些新火车太棒了。They jumped on a train and stole a ride.他们跳上一列火车逃票搭乘。I asked the guard the time of the train's departure.我问了问列车长火车的离站时间。The train was stopped because a tree had fallen across the line.火车停了下来,因为一棵树横倒在铁轨上。The train moved jerkily into the station.那列火车走走停停,慢慢地进了站。We shall have to hop to it if we're to catch the train.我们如果要赶上这班火车,就得抓紧时间。We got to the station just in time to make the train.我们到达车站,刚好赶上了火车Trains are attractive targets for terrorists.火车对恐怖分子是很有诱惑力的目标。Did you make a note of the train times?你把火车时间记下来了吗?The train began to pull out of the station — then suddenly shuddered to a halt.火车渐渐驶出了车站,然后突然猛震几下停了下来。He felt annoyed to learn that he would not be able to catch the train.听说赶不上火车,他心里很烦恼。The train was about to leave, and there was no time to buy a ticket.火车快要启动,来不及买车票了。I began to feel panicky, sure that I was going to miss the train.我开始心慌了,肯定赶不上火车了。I bet you the train will be late.我敢肯定火车要晚点。Hordes of commuters crowded into the train.一群群通勤的乘客涌进了火车I was the only person on the train.我是火车上唯一的乘客。There's no hurry. The train never leaves on time.不要急,火车从不准点发车。The train only runs at weekends.这列火车只在周末运行。I had to change (trains) twice to get there.到那里我得换乘两次(火车)。Slowly the train began to move.火车开始慢慢开动了。We made the train with a minute to spare.我们在开车前一分钟赶上了火车Our train moved forward with a lurch.我们乘坐的火车突然向前动了一下。The train went through a tunnel.这列火车穿过了一条隧道。After the train robbery he spent three years on the run.火车劫案发生以后,他潜逃了三年。The bridge trembled as the train went over it.火车过桥时,桥身晃动。The train chugged slowly forward.火车咔嚓咔嚓地慢慢前行。He could just as well have hitched a ride on a train or a truck headed west.他还可能已经顺路搭上了西去的火车或卡车。Let's say you miss the train, what do you plan to do?假定你赶不上火车,你准备怎么办? The train chugs down the track.火车沿铁轨缓慢前行。No-one knows why the train derailed.没人知道火车为什么会脱轨。I can't stop now, I have a train to catch.我现在不能停,我要赶火车We arrived at the station at noon, and the train departed at half past. 我们正午抵达车站,火车十二点半就开了。They often hid out in open railway drays.他们经常躲在敞篷平板火车里。Bad weather delayed the train for two hours.恶劣的天气致使火车延误了两个小时。A state program to retrofit engines with pollution controls has succeeded in reducing pollution from trains.州政府对引擎加装污染控制系统的计划成功地降低了火车的污染状况。Don't loiter, we've got a train to catch.别磨磨蹭蹭的,我们得赶火车With most of the faded green plush seats empty around her, she felt almost proprietary about this train.四周褪了色的绿绒软座大多空着,她感到这列火车简直成了她的专列。You'd better hurry if you want to catch that train.如果你想赶上那班火车,最好抓紧点。The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.这趟夜班火车除了周六外每个晚上都运行。




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