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词汇 conjured
例句 Her mind conjured up a blurred vision of fire and falling buildings.她心目中浮现一幅烈火熊熊和建筑物倒塌的模糊景象。The patriotic song conjured up the spirit of the forces.这首爱国歌曲像有魔力似地激起了军队的士气。The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.她完美的高音使人联想起远北地区的冰天雪地。The glittering ceremony conjured up images of Russia's imperial past.辉煌的典礼让人联想起俄罗斯帝国昔日的景象。Two well-matched sides conjured up an entertaining game.双方势均力敌,奉献了一场精彩的比赛。Seeing the lake again conjured up childhood memories.再次看到这片湖唤起了童年的记忆。Her imagination conjured up a summer scene.她靠想象力勾画出一幅夏季美景。The students conjured a clever scheme to raise the money they needed.学生们想出一个绝妙方案来筹集他们所需的钱。He conjured up a smile and reached out to squeeze her hand.他马上露出笑脸,伸手去捏她的手。The music conjured up memories.这音乐使往事历历在目。Her words conjured up a strange picture in her mind.她的话在她脑海中勾勒出一幅奇特的画面。Joss's gorge rose at the image he'd conjured up.一想到那个画面,乔斯就觉得恶心。He conjured up the spirit of her dead mother.他用魔法召他亡母的灵魂。He appeared with a small bucket he'd apparently conjured from nowhere.他出现了,手里拎着一只显然是凭空变出来的小桶。He has conjured victories from worse situations than this.他曾在比这更糟的情况下出人意料地取得过胜利。His imagination conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had.他脑海里勾画出一幅他从未体验过的普通家庭生活的场景。




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