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词汇 激战
例句 He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅仅发号施令,还身先士卒参加了几次激战Heavy fighting erupted there today.今天那里爆发了激战After several days of fighting the city finally surrendered.经过几天的激战,该城市最终投降。The town was captured after a fierce battle with rebels at the weekend.经过与叛乱分子在周末进行的一番激战,该镇被攻占了下来。The army slugged it out with the rebels.该部队与叛军展开激战,一决胜负。A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.挑选一位新的议会候选人的激战正酣。The fort finally fell after a week of intense fighting.经过一周的激战,堡垒最终被攻陷了。After weeks of intense fighting, there followed a brief period of calm.几个星期的激战之后,接下来是短暂的平静。Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting.双方经过昨天的激战后都在向各自的阵地增派兵力。The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain.两支军队在平原上展开激战The streets of the capital are now quiet again, after three weeks of heavy fighting.三周激战过后,首都的街道现已恢复平静。Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators.警方和示威者展开了激战Heavy fighting has been going on since the guerrillas launched their offensive.游击队发起攻击后,激战一直持续不断。He was shot down in a dogfight over enemy territory.他在敌军领空进行激战时被击落。The two boxers started mixing it up.两名拳击手开始激战All that was forgotten in the heat of battle.激战正酣时,所有这些都被忘得一干二净了。He was killed in a fierce battle.他在一场激战中丧生。Fierce fighting broke out among the refugees.难民之间爆发了激战Residents reported heavy fighting near the presidential palace.居民们报告称总统府附近发生了激战After a fierce battle the enemy was forced to retreat.激战之后,敌人被迫撤退了。Since late last year the border area has been the scene of heavy fighting.自从去年年末以来,边境地区一直就是激战之地。The intense fighting is reported to have claimed many lives.据报道,这场激战造成了多人死亡。After several hours of fierce fighting, the rebel troops retreated in disorder.经过几个小时的激战,叛军狼狈溃退。The fighting raged without a letup through the night,激战持续了一整晚没有停止。The soldier became confused in the heat of battle.这个士兵在激战中乱了阵脚。The bullet marks on the wall spoke of the fierce fighting that took place here.墙上的弹痕说明这里曾发生过激战The division went into reserve after several weeks of hard fighting.这个师在几星期的激战后转为预备队。




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