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词汇 激动
例句 In his excitement, he knocked over a lamp.他一时激动撞倒了灯。Certain words that galvanized him in his youth no longer have the same effect.青年时代使他激动的言辞现在不再产生同样的效果了。An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.一群人怀着激动的心情等待着歌星的到来。His heart leapt at the thought of seeing her.他一想到要见她,心情就无比激动The prospects both excited and worried me.这前景既使我激动又令我忧虑。I kept some tranquillizers in reserve in case I became agitated.我备了一些镇静药,以供激动时服用。It was a day of exhilaration, gladness, and celebration.这是一个激动欢庆的日子。She stroked his head, sending tingles down his spine.她抚摸着他的头,令他感到无比激动A slight trembling of his hands revealed his growing excitement.他的双手微微颤抖,流露出越来越激动的情绪。His lower lip trembled in agitation.因为激动,他的下唇微微抽搐。You do get very excited and exalted by the power of their speeches.他们的演讲的确能让人无比兴奋和激动She felt a surge of excitement run through her.她突然觉得浑身激动Her feelings about starting the business were an admixture of fear and excitement.对于创业,她既害怕又激动Her voice was thick with emotion.她因为激动嗓音也变沙哑了。The children couldn't sleep, they were so excited.孩子们无法入睡,他们太激动了。Don't get too excited just yet.None of these plans are definite.现在还不能太激动。这些计划都还没确定。Calm down, for goodness sake. It's nothing to get excited about!看在上帝的份上,安静下来吧。没什么可激动的!His voice constricted with emotion.他的声音由于激动而哽住了。This is my advice to wives whose husbands have left them for a younger woman - don't get mad, get even!这是我对丈夫另觅新欢的妻子的忠告-别激动,以其人之道还治其人之身吧!Robert grew heated as he spoke of the risks.谈到这些风险时,罗伯特变得越来越激动They had an argument and George flipped out.他们争论起来,乔治有些激动She could barely contain her excitement at the thought of what lay ahead.一想到将要发生的事,她就几乎无法掩饰内心的激动Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses. They have special significance.什么也比不上第一次收到红玫瑰时的激动心情了。它们具有特别的意义。After the excitement I tried to settle myself.激动过后,我设法平静下来。Lee tried to hide his excitement.李试图掩饰自己的激动心情。When she gets excited, she talks with her hands. 她一激动就会边说边用手比画。I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning.我还记得自己不知道圣诞节早晨会得到什么礼物时内心有多么激动He knocked his glass over in his agitation.他一激动把杯子打翻了。I wasn't able to sleep that night, I was so keyed up.我那天晚上太激动了,都睡不着。Don't get excited. Everything is OK.激动。一切正常。Calm down. Don't get hysterical.冷静些,别激动Her voice was low and shaky with emotion.她的声音低沉,因激动而有些颤抖。It was an historic day, yet its passing was not marked by the slightest excitement.那是具有历史意义的一天,但是一天过去了,也没有一丝的兴奋激动He couldn't contain his seething emotions.他无法控制自己激动的情绪。There isn't much to get excited about.没什么值得激动的。I was so excited that I couldn't keep still.我太激动了,无法安静不动。Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.罗宾因为激动和愤怒差点儿病倒。She swallowed back a tide of emotion.她强忍住了自己的激动情绪。His writing is less frenetic and breathless than Ludlum's.他的作品不如勒德伦的作品那样令人狂热和激动There's no need to get all steamed up.没有必要那么激动




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