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词汇 演技
例句 The play's only saving grace was the high standard of acting.这出戏唯一的可取之处是高水平的演技He acted the part with consummate skill.他以精湛的演技饰演了这一角色。The acting is as abominable as the plot.演技和故事情节同样糟糕透顶。She was an actress of great skill.她是个演技精湛的演员。Michael Horden gave a brilliant performance as King Lear.迈克尔·霍登扮演李尔王演技十分精湛。I did not criticize her acting, inasmuch as I really did not feel competent.我没有去评论她的演技,因为我确实觉得这方面自己并不在行。What is the Oscar queen doing in the film, beyond effortlessly acting everyone else off the screen?除了以精湛的演技毫不费力地使所有其他人在银幕上相形失色之外,这位奥斯卡影后在这一部电影里还能做什么呢? The film had a good plot but the acting was weak.这部电影情节很好,但演技不怎么样。Her acting is really perfect.她的演技真到了炉火纯青的境界。The impact of the film was vitiated by poor acting.演员拙劣的演技破坏了这部影片的效果。She is a polished actress.她是个演技高超的演员。As an actor he was unexceptional, but he had a beautiful singing voice.他是位演技一般的演员,但却有一副好嗓子。His style is slick and visually exciting.他的演技娴熟,赏心悦目。I feel more revolted at his acting than at the violence in the movie.我对他的演技的反感更胜于对影片中的暴力内容。The German star put in a classy performance.这位德国明星展示了一流演技The acting was stiff and we couldn't wait for the play to end.演技太差劲了,我们等不及戏散场就走了。She seemed to have a deft touch with comedy.看来她的喜剧演技颇为娴熟。He commented that her acting was superb.他评论说,她的演技精湛。He was a practiced musician.他是一位演技娴熟的音乐家。I was very impressed by his acting.我对他的演技印象深刻。Your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.能否欣赏这部电影,取决于能否忽略糟糕的演技Cagney makes the character come alive through a combination of his looks and his skills as an actor.卡格尼以他的英俊相貌和出色演技把这一角色演得栩栩如生。In her performance as the Snow Queen she showed great technical brilliance.她演冰雪女王时展示出了高超的演技Her acting was very amateur.她的演技很难恭维。The German star put in a classy performance.这位德国明星展示了一流的演技The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.这部影片的情节都能猜得到,演员的演技也不够好。His acting stinks but he looks good, so he's offered lots of movie roles.他的演技一塌糊涂,但人长得帅,所以获邀在许多影片中出演角色。He's a bad actor.演技很差。She is a versatile and superlative actress.她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。




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