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词汇 漏气
例句 It sounded as though gas was hissing out of a pipe.那声音好像是管子在嘶嘶地漏气They pulled over to the shoulder to fix the flat tire.他们把车开到路肩,修理漏气的车胎。The rate of deflation of the balloon depends on the kind of material from which it is made.气球的漏气程度取决于生产气球的材料类型。We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire.我们能听到一只轮胎的嘶嘶漏气声。All drivers should really know how to change a flat tire.所有的驾车者都应该很熟悉怎样更换漏气的轮胎。The air escaped from the balloon with a hiss.气球漏气发出嘶嘶声。I could hear the hissing sound of air escaping from the puncture.我能听到轮胎的刺孔漏气的咝咝声。Air hissed out of the tyre.轮胎嘶嘶地漏气One of the car's tires has a slow leak. 那辆车的一个轮胎有个小漏气孔。We were late because we had to stop and fix a flat.我们迟到了,因为中途不得不停下来修理漏气的轮胎。He was detained by a flat tyre on his way home.他因车胎漏气在回家路上被耽搁。There was an old punctured football lying between the goal-posts.球门柱之间有一个漏气的旧足球。This would permit air to enter, breaking the hermetic seal of the jar.这会造成漏气,破坏罐子的密封性。




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