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词汇 漏掉
例句 It's easy to miss out a comma when you're writing quickly.写得快时很容易就会漏掉一个逗号。She really is on the ball, she doesn't miss much.她非常警觉,漏掉的东西不多。I agree with what you've said, but you passed over an important point.我同意你所讲的话,但你漏掉了重要的一点。We tried to contact all former students but one or two slipped through the net.我们设法联系所有以前的学生,但还是漏掉了一两个。A cursory check would be likely to miss the subtle danger signs.仓促的检查可能会漏掉细微的危险信号。What about Sally? You've missed her out.萨莉怎么办?你把她漏掉了。We're going over the house with a fine-tooth comb. Nothing will be left untouched.我们在仔细地检查屋子各处,任何地方都不会漏掉The oil was dropping away.油正在一滴滴漏掉Nick knew that the coach would be on his back if he missed another training session.尼克知道如果再漏掉一堂训练课的话,教练就会和他没个完。I've made a list of names - I hope I haven't left anyone out.我列了一个名单——希望没有漏掉什么人。You left out an important detail about their new baby: is it a girl or boy?漏掉了他们的新生儿的一个重要信息:男孩还是女孩?Some important details were deliberately omitted from the report.报告中故意漏掉了一些重要的细节。She had given me an incomplete list. One name was missing from it.她给我的名单并不完整,有一个名字漏掉了。He caught most of the mistakes but missed a few.他发现了大部分的错误,但还是漏掉了一些。The outfielder muffed an easy catch.外场手漏掉了一个很容易接的球。An important fact had been missed out.一个重要的事实被漏掉了。A number of African countries are slipping through the net.一些非洲国家被漏掉了。Did everyone get a piece of cake? I don't want to leave anyone out.每个人都分到一块蛋糕了吗?我不想漏掉任何人。I can't believe she invited everyone else in the office and left me out.我真不敢相信她邀请了办公室里所有的同事,单单就漏掉了我。You left out the best part.漏掉了最好的部分。She left out an important detail in her account.她在叙述中漏掉了一个重要的细节。Did you leave his name out by accident or was it intentional?漏掉了他的名字,是无意的还是有意的?Robinson's name was inadvertently omitted from the list.鲁宾逊的名字被人无意之中从名单上漏掉了。I'm sure the omission of my name was deliberate.我敢肯定我的名字是被故意漏掉的。Had she missed something important, or was this just a non sequitur?她是不是漏掉了什么重要的东西,抑或这只是瞎猜呢?You didn't miss much - I'll fill you in later漏掉的不多,稍后我会告诉你最近发生的事。Make sure you don't miss any details out.你要确保不漏掉任何细节。You've missed out the most important fact!漏掉了最重要的事实!Don't miss my name out of your list.别在你的名单上漏掉我的名字。What about Sally? You've missed her out.萨莉呢?你把她给漏掉了。The catcher bobbled the ball.接球手漏掉了这个球。Our apologies to David Pannick for omitting his name from last week's article.我们在上周的文章里漏掉了戴维·潘尼克的名字,特此向他致歉。




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