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例句 She had decided to confront him with what she had learnt.她决定拿自己了解的事实与他当面对质。He is willing to confront problems directly.他愿意直接面对问题。She didn't have the stomach to confront him.她没勇气面对他。The country is reluctant to confront its violent past.这个国家不愿正视其残暴的历史。I have been confront with a new problem.我正面临一个新的问题。Victims of crime are encouraged to confront their emotions.罪案受害人受到鼓励去直面自己的情感。Flinging open the door, he rushed in to confront her.他猛地推开门,冲了进去,要和她对质。I know she's the one who made the error, but I don't want to confront her with it without having any hard evidence.我知道是她出了错,但是没有确凿证据的话,我不想跟她当面对质。The treatment center helps people confront their addictions.治疗中心帮助人们正视毒瘾。The new problems which confront us are not outside the ambit of the old faith.我们遇到的这些新问题没有逾越旧信仰的范畴。She deserves the chance to meet/confront her accuser.她理应得到与指控她的人对质的机会。It takes courage to confront your fears.克服恐惧心理需要勇气。We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.我们在学习如何直面死亡,而非回避死亡这一现实。I was too much of a wimp to confront him.我实在太懦弱了,不敢和他对抗。The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.我们所面临的困难似乎是不可克服的。It's better to confront a problem than to avoid it.解决问题比回避问题要好。I was too wimpy to confront him.我实在太懦弱了,不敢和他对抗。Memories she had no wish to confront began to plague her.那不堪回首的记忆开始折磨起她来。Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on.我又一次选择了直接面对该问题。The only way to get to the bottom of it is to confront the chairman.弄清事情真相的唯一方法就是跟主席对质。She decided to confront/meet the challenge head-on.她决定直面挑战。It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.不管它有多讨厌,我们终究要面对这个问题。NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions.北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。Escape being impossible, the stag turned to confront the hunters.因不可能逃跑,牡鹿就转过身来与猎人对峙。These texts constantly confront the reader with their demanding claims.这些文本常常向读者提出严苛的要求。I don't think he's got bottle enough to confront them.我想他没有足够的勇气面对他们。We will soon have to confront a fundamental question.我们很快就将不得不正视一个基本问题。I could not bring myself to confront him about it.我不忍心就这事和他对质。I had to confront the reporters.我不得不面对记者。I was in a difficult position, as I was being asked to confront a man who had much more power than I did.我的处境尴尬,因为我被要求面对一个权力比我大得多的人。You need to confront those who have sided against you.你要直面那些联合反对你的人。He was forced to confront his forgotten past.他被迫面对自己已忘却的过去。She was forced to confront the reality of the situation.她不得不面对现实。Trends in the national economy confront companies with pressures they are unable to resist.国民经济的发展趋势使企业面临着无法抵抗的压力。The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty.这些照片向观众展现了一幅幅赤贫的画面。She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt.她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。No one was willing to confront the company president on that point.没人愿意就那个问题质问公司总裁。The transference of large numbers of refugees is a very difficult task, which few nations dare to confront.大量难民的转移是件非常不容易完成的事,许多国家都不敢轻易尝试。We are learning how to confront death.我们正在学习如何直面死亡。I know how you feel, Mark, but maybe it's better not to confront him.我理解你的心情,马克,但是不与他对峙更好。




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