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例句 Their collection is confined solely to the Roman period.他们的收藏品仅限于罗马时代。All the illegal immigrants were confined to a small island in the harbour.所有的非法移民都被关在港口的一个小岛上。She is confined to her bed.她卧床不起。Mothers today are not confined for long but soon after confinement are up and about.现在妈妈们坐月子的时间不长,而是产后很快就起床走动。We confined our study to 10 cases.我们把研究限定在十个案例以内。These dangers are not confined to smokers.这些危险不只是困扰吸烟者。Women at that time were confined to the domestic sphere.那时的妇女被局限在家庭的小圈子里。When a freshman is campused, he is not actually confined to the campus but merely deprived of some privilege or other.当我们说大学一年级生在校园里受到限制,这并不是说他真是被禁闭在校园内,而只是指他被剥夺了某些权利。William was confined to an institution for some years.威廉在精神病院里关了好几年。The hostages had been confined for so long that they couldn't cope with the outside world.人质被关押了那么久,以致于他们对外面的世界一时适应不了。These small mammals are generally confined to the south of the island.这些小型哺乳动物一般只出没于该岛南部。He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.他从小就只能坐轮椅。The discussion will be confined largely to general principles.讨论主要局限于整体原则。The tour group is confined to the planned activities.旅游团只能进行计划内的活动。The bull was confined in a pen behind the barn.那头公牛被圈在谷仓后面的围栏里。The woman will be confined to a mental institution.这个女人将被关进精神病院。She expects to be confined next month.她预期下个月分娩。Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。The judge has confined the jury to their hotel until after the verdict.作出判决前法官让陪审团留在酒店,不许外出。He was confined to a wheelchair.他无法行走,只得坐轮椅。She gets uncomfortable in confined spaces.待在窄小的空间里她觉得不舒服。This bird is largely confined to the southern regions of the country.这种鸟主要生活于该国的南部地区。It wasn't easy to sleep in such a confined space.在这么狭小的空间内睡觉还真不容易。A mysterious illness confined him to bed for months.他因一种说不清、道不明的怪病卧床好几个月。Brett was eventually confined in a psychiatric hospital, where he committed suicide.布雷特最终被关进一所精神病院,他在那里自杀身亡。The tree has grown sturdy even in this confined space.虽然地方狭窄,这棵树依然长得茁壮。The boy had been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents.这男孩从小时候起就被父母幽禁在一间狭窄的暗室内。He had a horror of being in a confined space.他特别害怕呆在狭小的空间里。Many prisoners are confined to their cells for long periods of time.许多犯人被长期禁闭在牢房里。His genius was not confined to the decoration of buildings.他的天赋不单体现在建筑物的装饰上。Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe.要求西伯利亚独立的人如今只局限于一小撮极端主义分子。Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.贫困并不仅仅只存在于这个国家的北部。Spillover damage from the building's demolition was confined to some broken glass.拆除这座大楼带来的损失仅仅是一些玻璃被震碎了。Ill health kept him confined to his room.生病使他整天呆在房间里。I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings.我在村里生活很封闭,所以想出去闯荡一番。The police cadet's duties were confined to taking statements from the crowd.这位警校生的任务只是记录那群人的口供。The excitement was largely factitious and confined to the media.这番热闹景象不过是媒体人为营造出来的而已。He was allegedly confined in a narrow, dark room for two months.据说他被监禁在一个既狭窄又黑暗的房间里已有两个月了。He was confined to barracks for insubordination.他因为不服从命令被禁闭在兵营里。Rebel troops have confined their attacks mainly to the southern part of the country.叛军把袭击目标限定在国家的南部地区。




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